Wednesday, July 31, 2019
In case you forget
There was death at the start, just as there was death at the end. Though whether a fleeting wisp of this crossed the Irishman's dreams and shook him awake on this least likely of mornings, he would never know. All he knew that when he opened his eyes that the world was somehow changed. As always the first thought that come to his head was the quick, searing hope that the last eight weeks had never happened. But as he saw the pale morning light filtering through her curtains, reality hit him with an icy certainty-Aileen was dead, and it was his entire fault. He looked at his alarm clock; 7:00 shone angrily at him in red, making him turn back to the wall. It beeped impatiently at him, and it was that, not the cold, which finally gave him the thought to give up his worthy fight and struggle out of bed. He breathed in the faint lingering smell of musty perfume. Photos of horses stared down at him from the walls. He was in his wife's room. A coat was slung over the chair where Aileen had left that morning of the accident. The hairbrush of the table was coated in a fine layer of dust, a few blonde hairs clinging to the bristles. Nothing in the room had changed for four weeks, not since the day Aileen Flaherty died. At the sight of the familiar things, his stomach twisted. He glanced at the photo of him and her. Pat and Allie. Patrick Harper and Aileen Flaherty. Sergeant Major and Horse whisperer. Mr and Mrs Patrick Harper. Husband and wife. There were tears in his eyes, which he reckoned was from the dust in the room. He got dressed. His kharki and olive uniform was oddly loose after the tight dress uniform of the funeral. Harper gazed in the mirror. Everything was to military precision. His blue eyes had not lost the desperation and soulessness that the dark alleyways of Dublin required. He picked up his rifle and placed a finger in a notch of unpolished metal. It was this small dip, in the butt of the gun, which gave Patrick Harper the small amount of Gaelic luck, which soldiers said was invincible. He just wanted to get out of this room. It was too much to bear; knowing that Allie was never coming back. A small silver locket was worn around his throat. It had saved the sergeant-major's life once, a stranger had fired across the street and the tall Irishman shivered at the thought of what would have happened if the precious metal heart had not been attached around his neck. A small photo of his soul mate was in it, and he was suddenly angry that he had it. He made a mental note to take it off later. The week that had followed Aillie's death had been a blur, and for him it was probably best that it had remained like that. For days he had been almost catatonic. The Latin words had washed meaninglessly over him and he read, dry-eyed, over and over her name and date of birth and death. And still tears would not come. He wanted to cry, he really did, but something was stopping him. He could only think of the blood on her neck which looked like a necklace of broken rubies and that he had noticed irrelevantly that red didn't not suit her and he made a note not to buy her a ruby necklace for her birthday. He had felt the sting of tears as he knelt beside her and held the silent, still warm body that he most loved in the world and had cried out inside at his own brutality. Her warmth would fade just as the memory of her would fade and he would forget the character that gave this exquisite creature life and love. She would exist now only in his memory and of those of who had known her best. She had given herself to him and never doubted the decision, unlike him. And now he had killed her. It should have been himself who had been caught in the blast, he who died, not this and his grief was formless, incoherent, a pain of betrayed love. The war-lord had not even noticed the girl in Harper's arms. ‘Congratulations. You did it.' He had done it so that he could free Ireland and St Patrick. He had done it so that innocent blood had been spilt on the pavement. He had done it so that he could feel a pain, so great, that he would never feel it again. They had then given him thirty silver coins, for his service to Ireland. Five pounds fifty in change, exactly. Every one of those thirty pieces of silver to him was blood money. Blood that was still fresh on his hands and would remain so for evermore. Sometimes he would wake up and feel happy and then he would see the blank postcard on the desk, still franked, but it meant that someone close had died for his or her country. Then the happiness went. Sometimes he would see her in the street and his heart leaped. Then the knowledge that she no longer existed would sink in. It was the training day of the recruits that had brought about the change. The sergeant- major had stabbed his bayonet repeatedly into the belly of the straw bales dressed in the uniform of English paratroopers. He had lost his humanity then, humanity that Allie had unearthed during their married years. He had felt the tears coming to his eyes. Tears of guilt and anger, no longer held back by the crushing weight of guilt, flooded over his cheeks. It unlocked a sluice gate inside of him and for two weeks he wept and let out all the pain, that as a soldier he was trained to ignore. He could have drowned himself in the salty water that was not rain. But in the calm aftermath, Harper took stock and decided to survive. In that moment he had became an adult. You could see it when he didn't know he was being watched, and from his eyes glittered a sad and old Gaelic magic, as old as time itself. Patrick Harper opened his diary. It was April the 12th, six weeks since the bomb had been secretly planted and with it buried the bloodied remains of his spouse's body. That was strange. April was already a dozen days old, Allie's death already eight weeks in the past. He had marked with a pencil March the twenty-fourth to the first of April because that was when he had expected his first child. He remembered how the bloom of pregnancy was in her and how beautiful she had looked in those heavy months. He looked at the chair, in which she had sat and told him about his child and he had held her, speechless. His child. He had been so happy then. There was no joy now. The rifle was thrown down because he did not want to hold a killing machine any longer. As a top marksman he had spilt enough innocent blood. Much more than he could count. He checked his wallet. A library card that expired today, but he had not the heart or the energy to renew it. Aillie had encouraged him to read, to take his mind off what he knew she knew that he had done the whole day. She had kept silent on the whole issue, but he knew that she didn't approve. He had read just to keep her happy, but in the week before the accident he had taken to reading her the story of Macbeth. The man who had killed to get what he had wanted, lost his humanity, and could not back out. In the end it had destroyed him. He remembered that Lady Macbeth went mad from the blood on her hands. That there was a darkness in her that she could not escape. Perhaps there was a darkness in him too. There was a shopping list in there too, which she had typed up so that he could go and get something to eat. She had said that she was coming in a bit later as she had to check up on the horses at the stables. She had never come home. He had ripped it into three pieces, because he thought it not worthy of her. He had saved a piece, the only bit where her actual handwriting was shown and he pulled it out now and marvelled that he had never actually seen her own scruffy hand until after her death. His hand carefully placed the relic back into his wallet along with the library card, the pocket diary and the thirty silver coins that he had yet to summon the courage to either ignore or destroy them. The cuckoo clock on the wall opened its tiny wooden doors and the cheerful little bird popped out announcing that it was half past seven. It was always late and Harper automatically checked the time on his own analogue watch, without realising that it had already stopped working on the twenty-second of March. The day his world stood still. Harper reckoned it was the blast that had destroyed the mainspring. But he had taken it along to the fixing shop anyway and had said that it had fallen off the table onto the floor. No one noticed the lie, nor the pricking of tears that covered up the real truth. He had wanted to tell them the truth, to shrug off the awful weight of his conscience, but there was a lady behind him. They could not fix it and told him that it was a lost cause and also asked him if he was sure if it had fallen onto the table as surely a greater force had broken it. He answered curtly that he had an extremely hard floor and the case was left as that, as no one dared cross the tall man with dried blood on his shirt. It was getting light and he knew that he should have left the house by this time. It was a dangerous time to be out on the streets and alleyways at dawn. The bright light, fierce and orange, made it hard to see the camouflaged barrels of guns and the dark green uniforms of British riflemen. He checked his pockets for any spare ammunition, bandages and anything else that might come in useful if a vengeful enemy was on the prowl. Emptied out onto the table, the pockets produced a piece of string, a couple of Irish punts, a small shiny paperclip, a chewed pencil and a piece of paper which a sketchy map had been scrawled on. He screwed the map up and threw it away. The other objects, he decided, were not of any use so he left them on the dresser next to the blank postcard. Harper took the thin rectangular card in his hand. The Irishman took one look at it and stashed it irritably into his pocket, so that he would not have to go through the torture of seeing it every morning. He would burn it later. A bunch of keys, all shapes and sizes, hung by the bedroom door. He plucked them from their resting-place, wanting to keep his hands and mind busy so as not to dwell on the bitterness inside of him. There was the front door key, the back door key, and the key to the small battered car of his that was collecting dust in the garage. There was also a group of strange shaped keys, their handle diamond shaped instead of the regular circular ones. They called up a distant memory in him, the faded pictures in his mind kept in rhythm with the metallic jangle of their knocking together. He still could not think what they were for, and so not wanting to annoy himself any longer he freed them from the main group and put those in his pocket too. Subconsciously he knew that he was taking them with him because they were connected with Allie's mortise lock, which she had put absolute faith in. It did not matter that their house had been burgled three times in a row, she still insisted that the rusty metal clump remain on the door. They had had their first argument over that lock and Allie had thrown a book at him, cutting his cheek and leaving a small scar. Harper had been the stock of jokes from the soldiers for a few weeks after that. He did not care. He was lucky. He had Allie. They were in it together. The mirror, from which he still had not moved, glittered in the light. It made his uniform look grey. His eyes were grey. His heart was grey. A shadow of his former personality. He was glad Aileen could not of seen him now. She wouldn't have even recognised him. ****** Blood pounded in his head, his breath rasped in his chest. The rifle on his back thumped on his spine, the metal foresight dug into his skin. It slipped into the hinge of his elbow with the rhythm of his feet, which slipped on the slushy cat-ice. Harper and Liam Kelly dived into the relative shelter of a brick corner. Bullets ricocheted, taking pieces of brick and dust off the wall. Hot air seared past their pulsing cheeks, tiny metal balls, so destructive, slapped into the pavement, inches away from their feet. The sergeant and the private loaded quickly, knowing every second the procedure took, minutes were stole from their lives. Instinct took over, the movements refined by practice and desperation. There was no time to think about what happened next; to the best fighters, it came as a second nature. Harper touched the familiar small island of unpolished metal, something to fight against the curse of bad luck. Kelly saw his friend feel the small dip in the rifle's butt, and he knew that the sergeant's keen mind was already at work. He had bruised his shoulder and had twisted his ankle on the sloppy slush, but that was all. He could see the pink in the snow, the pigment caused by the fresh blood of his comrade's. Worst of all was the sound of their screams, a sound that he had heard many times before, but now it seemed to have been magnified a hundredfold. Now Harper turned and worked his way around the wall again, giving space to the flickering bullets, Kelly supposed so as not to drive them nearer to the young fresh teenagers, who hid round the opposite corner. He stopped and looked at Kelly and then called out to him. ‘Stay there Liam. Don't move.' Then without any sign of fear, he walked towards the men in the green uniforms of British Riflemen. Kelly could see his lips moving, but he could not hear the words over the sharp, snapping retort of the rifles. Perhaps he was praying, or maybe not at all. He did not stop until he was right up to them and only then did they seem to register his tall looming presence. Liam saw him reach for a screaming horse's bridle and grip them hard. With a firm hand, ignoring the slapping bullets by his face, he pulled the bay mare off her hind legs. Then he slapped her hard on the rump and sent her away. Thus cheated of their game, the Rifleman turned their attention to the tall Irishman. The picture of what followed stayed with every man and women on the street till the day they died. And never would they know for sure what had happened. The platoon of green-jackets wheeled to their left, sending beautiful, crystal shards of snow and slush up into the air. For a moment they appeared not to know what to make of the man who stood undaunted before them. What was certain was that Harper could have walked away. Two or three steps to the side could have denied the British the glory of another Irish death. The Riflemen, so Kelly believed, would simply have let him be gone, where others had led. Instead, Harper stepped towards them. The moment he moved, as he must have foreseen, the Rifles snapped into action. And even now, Harper could have stepped away. He knew where the guns would fire, what was happening inside the mechanics of them and why, before it even knew itself. Yet on this day, he neither dodged nor ducked nor even flinched, and, once more, walked forward. Harper could hear Aileens voice calling out his name. ‘I'm here.' He whispered ‘What is it?' The group of green jackets raised the barrels, the light reflecting off the metal onto the snow. They licked their lips and they lined up the foresight onto the lone solitary target. At this distance they could not miss. The settling snow was still too thick for Kelly to be sure, but he thought he saw Harper open his hands a touch and, in a movement so flowing that he may of imagined it, showed the British his open palms. It was as though the Irishman was offering something and perhaps it was what he had always wanted to offer the gift of friendship and peace. But although he would never from this day forth mention the thought to anyone, Kelly had a vivid impression that it was otherwise and that Harper, without fear or despair, was somehow offering himself. ‘I'm here. What is it?' And then he knew. ******* They buried Patrick Harper by Aileen. The intention was to keep the funeral small and for family only, but on the day about one hundred people came, touched by the actions of the tall, handsome soldier in the white-sugared street. There was room for only a few in the small but ornate Catholic Church, so they threw open the doors and people watched from outside where cherry blossom danced and cartwheeled in the small breeze. He was found, lying there, a tiny smile on his face, motionless on the snowy carpet. It eyes were loosely shut as if he were sleeping peacefully. They typed this up on the army records of births and deaths. But there was one thing which they had not mentioned. Tucked away, from all sight were two claddagh rings. One gold and one silver. The Irish icon of friendship, love and loyalty. They were wrapped in a torn piece of paper, one side a list of food items and on the other side, scrawled blue ink pen which was in the handwriting of Aileen Harper. On the paper, all she'd written, inscribed in the ancient language of the Irish Celts were the small italic letters which made up four short words. In case you forget.
Virginia vs. Massachusetts
Shayma Hammad History 1301, Monday Wednesday 11:00-12:20 Dr. Snaples December 3rd, 2012 Debate Paper This essay explains and shows the differences between the Virginia colony and the Massachusetts colony. People all over Europe started coming down to the â€Å"new world†(America), they came to the new world for many reasons such as land, food, religion and much more. Before I start to contrast between the 2 colonies I’m going to give a general background on them. Massachusetts was established in 1620 and Virginia was established in 1607.Virginia’s colony was Jamestown and Massachusetts was Salem and Boston. Virginia was located in the southern colony, it also offered land. Tobacco was a profitable crop, so John Rolfe took seeds and planted them in Virginia; because of this Virginia became an economic purpose. Virginia settled by men so Virginia dies out and this caused women to immigrate. Virginia was not a religious country and people ran away from Virginia bec ause they were in debt and did not want to be a servant. The society in Virginia compared to Massachusetts are very different.Virginia economics were based on a cash crop industry. The London Company bought Virginia they believed that there were metals in America so they sent a group of settlers to Jamestown. In 1619 the House of Burgesses was formed, which made Virginia a strong democracy. Jamestown became the first English colony. Later on the colony began to collapse due to disease and starvation but they expanded their colony with the arrival of tobacco, slaves and servants. Massachusetts established religious purpose: Puritans and separatists.Since the puritans were really religious people in Massachusetts had to attend church, and some of the people were tied to a religion that they may not agree with. It is based on the Puritan worship and religion Satan and the Catholic Church was the worst for puritans. The Puritans established Harvard University they loved education. Relig ion was much less significant in Virginia unlike in Massachusetts. The puritans believed that science is religion because it explains God. They also believed that God does not like poor people and they did not like handicapped people.Massachusetts also brings family; unlike Virginia who brought only men at first. Massachusetts also didn’t spread out like Virginia did. Massachusetts was a self governing colony Virginia and Massachusetts did not provide freedom for their people. The puritans in Massachusetts expected their people to follow their beliefs and they were very strict on you, even though Virginia was not a religious colony you still did not have freedom because you were either going to be a servant or a slave. The life expectancy in Massachusetts was much better than Virginia because in Virginia a lot of people died and suffered from diseases and salvation.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Chinese fiction Essay
â€Å"No Longer Human†is a Japanese novel written by Osamu Dazai. It is considered as Dazai’s masterpiece and categorized as the second-best selling novel in Japan, whereas â€Å"To Live†was written by Yu Hua is a Chinese fiction. â€Å"No Longer Human†is describe as a labor of fiction, the novel is recited in the first person and have several elements which laid down an autobiographical source, such as suicide, a recurring theme in the author’s life whereas, the story of â€Å"To Live†started some time in the 1940s. The main character of this sotry is Xu Fugui who is a local rich man’s son and habitual gambler, who lose his family property to the tricky Longer, driving his father to his grave in the process. His attitude also causes his long-suffering wife Jiazhen to leave him with their daughter, Fengxia and their unborn son, Youqing, the same thing with Oba Yozo in â€Å"No Longer Human†. The novel â€Å"No Longer Human†covers the portrayal of the life of Oba Yozo, who is a trouble soul not capable of revealing his true self to others and who is instead forced to uphold an impression of worthless jocularity. This story tells the emotional and interesting story of a young man who is caught between the disintegration of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. The novel is made up of three chapters which narrate the life of Oba Yozo from early childhood to late adolescence. In the first chapter of the novel, it deals on how the overcome by an extreme feeling of alienation and finding it nearly impossible to socialize with those who besiege him, Oba Yozo can but resort to buffoonery in order to ascertain an interpersonal relationships and fit into place in a vain effort to disregard the furious sexual abuse he was subjected to by a couple of servants during his childhood. In the second chapter, Oba Yozo becomes more and more troubled over the potential penetrability of his cheerful impression, which, together with the pressures of academic life, leads him into a violent cycle of drinking, smoking and harlotry, ending in a one-night stand with a married woman with whom he planned to commit double suicide. Though he survived, the woman passed away, leaving him with nothing but an unbearable feeling of guilt. In the this chapter, several years later, Oba Yozo is dropped out from High School and commits into a relationship with a destructive woman, who immediately betrays him with another man. Oba Yozo is once again driven to the edge of committing suicide, but was not able to do so because he becomes an alcoholic and a morphine addict. The story comes to a close with Oba Yozo’s confinement in a mental institution where he finally assumes he is no longer human, neither happy nor unhappy, but merely a man of excesses. The story of â€Å"To Live†is somewhat similar to the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†in a sense that both the main characters of the novels were engaged into alcoholism, drug addiction and losss of their families. However, in the novel of â€Å"No Longer Human†the main character’s story ended upon his confinement in a mental insitution, while in the story of â€Å"To Live†the main character after he loses his entire family fortune, eventually reunites with his wife and children, but is forced to start a shadow puppet troupe with partner Chunsheng to support his family. The story of â€Å"To Live†during the Chinese Civil War is in full swing, and both Fugui and Chunsheng are forcibly enlisted into the Kuomintang forces during a performance. After a heavy battle, Fugui and Chunsheng are captured by the communist side, where they quickly become entertainers for the troops. Eventually Fugui is able to return home, and once there, finds out that Fengxia has become mute due to a fever. The story of â€Å"To Live†gives emphasis to the peak of the Great Leap Forward. During this period the local town chief enlists Fugui and Jiazhen to donate all scrap iron in their possession to the national drive to produce steel and make weaponry for liberating Taiwan. As an entertainer, Fugui performs for the entire town, which has been devoted entirely over to producing steel. They enter this work with great passion, and the movie devotes some time to portraying the family’s unity and happiness. For example, the young boy Youqing defends his sisters from bullies picking on her for her muteness. Aside from the Great Leap Forward period, the novel also give attention to the period of Cultural Revolution. The village chief advises Fugui’s family to burn their shadow puppet drama props, which have been deemed as counter-revolutionary as they are traditional cultural elements. Also, Fugui’s daughter is now grown up. Her family arranges for her to meet Wan Erxi, who is a local leader of the Red Guards, a worker with a salary, and also a kind-hearted and caring man, but lame in one leg. They fall in love and marry. During Fengxia’s childbirth, her parents and husband accompany her to the county hospital, where they find out that nurses are in charge as all doctors have been sent to do hard labor for being â€Å"reactionary academic authorities†. The nurses assure the family that they have nothing to fear, but the family is skeptical, and manages to retrieve a doctor from confinement to oversee the birth, under the pretext of making the doctor â€Å"see his revolutionary mistakes†. As the doctor has not eaten for several days, the family purchases for him seven steamed buns. However, the young woman begins to hemorrhage, and the nurses panic, admitting that they are only students and do not know what to do. The frantic family and nurses seek the advice of the doctor, but it is found out that he has overeaten and is semiconscious. The family is helpless, and Jiazhen can only hold the hand of her daughter as she slowly dies. The story ends several years later, with the family now consisting of Fugui, Jiazhen, their son-in-law Erxi, and grandson Mantou. The family visits the graves of Youqing and Fengxia, where Jiazhen, as per tradition, leaves dumplings for her son. Erxi buys for his son a box full of young chicks, which they decide to keep in the puppet drama prop chest, now empty of its contents. â€Å"To Live†such is not the same as â€Å"No Longer Human†because as you can see the character of the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†is more on of being useless to the family and to the society because Oba Yozo just ended up in confinement because his woman had another man. Another distinction between the two stories was that the character of â€Å"To Live†realized and did something good for himself and for his family, whereas in the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†the main character shows no changes in his life. â€Å"No Longer Human†on the other hand is basically autobiographical, founded on events from Dazai’s own life. He was a literary rock star, but a deeply unhappy guy, attempting suicide several times before finally succeeding. There is in fact a monument at the spot where he killed himself that is, along with his mistress. The book is uncommon from what we think of as autobiography, in that the reason for writing is not so much to tell a story – there is no real employment, beginning, middle, and end in the traditional sense, but rather, the text is a sort of rambling exploration of the self. There is no forced form, instead, an effort to create a straightforward relation between author and reader, to explain a precise point of view. The book itself is very fascinating. It makes the reader want to learn Japanese, for beginners, because no matter how talented the translator, there is no getting throughout the fact that the grammatical structure of Japanese is completely different from that of English in that it is completely possible, and even ordinary, to compose a sentence in Japanese with no subject. Clearly, the entire book is written in this form, which would be particularly appropriate to the work itself. The book is the related story of a very unhappy guy who is essentially chronicling his downward spiral. Nevertheless it is hard to say if it is really a downward spiral, that is, though he does identify a moment at which he came to an end to be human, it is not totally clear that he was ever really human, through his own definition, to begin with. One question is what it means, in his eyes, to be human. . Oba Yozo’s character is raging against rationality, and the way, in which it dehumanizes people, so in a sense, though he calls himself a mouse, etc, he could be seen as claiming that he is really the only human. Dazai’s character, Oba Yozo in the novel, sees himself as inhuman, primarily, it seems, because he lacks certain fundamental human character. He maintains for instance, that he has in no way felt starving. On the other hand, there is also a certain issue of domination at play like; he is not capable to say no to anyone, to refuse permission for anything. In this sense, one could say that he is entirely determined by the outside world. Notwithstanding the fact that he has an inner life, he maintains it hidden from the outside world. As a matter of fact, his behavior is entirely, he claims, an act, he â€Å"plays the clown†for the pleasure of others, declining to let his own emotions reveal. The main characters of the novel have a clear similarity to notes from deeply unhappy men who are convinced of their own uniqueness, but there are definitely differences the way they choses to end up their stories. References: Dazai, Osamu. No Longer Human. New York: New Directions, 1973. Yu Hua. To Live: A Novel. (1993). Trans. Michael Berry. New York: Anchor-Random House, 2003.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Construction technology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Construction technology - Coursework Example e however very complicated in residential areas where several requirements have to be considered and put in place to ensure that the people residing in these areas are well catered for with regard to their needs. These needs will often include comfort and aesthetic requirements among other needs. The environmental concerns are as well a dire factor that has to be taken into consideration in order to avoid its pollution and mishandling in various ways opposed to the regulations put forth by the environmental watch bodies. For this reason, one has to ensure that the available space designed for developmental purposes are well established and planned in order to cater for all these needs and concerns. Changes in the use of the formally planned region often call for fresh planning and construction ideas which would call for the demolition of the pre- existing structure to create space for the new structures which comes with its own requirements, different from the previous ones. Effective planning areas such as the lounges, car parks, pavements as well as other important regions in any residential region have to be well established to promote their aesthetic value, longevity/ duration of stay as well as the reduction of flooding problems especially on car parks (Allen Burton & Pitt, 2001). This can effectively and efficiently be won by using the soft designing features such as planting of trees, meadows, shrubs and other related live protections around the delicate and stringent areas. This paper will look at the planning mechanisms to be employed by the residential housing developers at a site located in Chester-Le-Street, Durham formally owned by a transport company. The paper w ill also look at the various ways of effectively planning the region taking into consideration the need to avoid pollution and flooding in the residential areas besides observing the aesthetic value of the place. Given the limited scale of the space available for development purposes and the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Problem solving questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Problem solving questions - Essay Example It includes also an incorporated limited partnership. Once a partnership is formed, every partner becomes the agent of the firm and other partners in relation to the business of the firm. Thus, every act of partner for the purpose of business except in the case of incorporated limited partnership shall bind the firm and other partners provided the partner acts within his authority to act for the firm in specific cases and the person whom the partner is dealing with believes him to be the partner having authority. In other words, if the person dealt with by the partner knows that the partner has no authority, his acts cannot bind the firm nor other partners. The same holds good in respect of a general partner vis-a-vis the firm and other general partners. Section 13 (1) of the Act lays down that all partners except in the case of an incorporated limited partnership are liable jointly and severally for the liabilities of the firm that have risen whilst being partners. S 13 (2) if the p artner who is an individual dies, his/her estate is severally liable for the liabilities of the firm after satisfaction of his/her separate debts. Same holds good in case of incorporated limited partnership for a deceased general partner. The general partner of an incorporated limited partnership is liable only in respect of unsatisfied liabilities of the firm or more as per the partnership agreement. ... As the partnership business is in common, the partners should disclose material facts that affect their partnership failing which it would amount to misrepresentation on the part of those who fail to do so. Further, a retiring partner can by a condition of restraint of trade be prohibited to start a competing business within the locality for a pre-determined period. Further, a partnership contract cannot be assigned (Gilles, 1988). Application In view of the above important provisions governing partnership business, Jody whose capital will be at stake must have the partnership agreement reduced to writing. And Jody must be entitled to a proportionately higher share of profit and reserve to herself the right to take important decisions in day to day management. This does not mean the other partners are not liable to loss that may occur due to Jody’s decision making. Conclusion Jody can enter into partnership with Mike and Sarah keeping in view of the limited capital or no capit al Mike and Sara may bring in and also have an agreement in restraint of trade on the retiring partners including Jody herself. Consequences The proposal to enter into partnership agreement among Jody, Mike and Sarah will be viable subject to the above conditions therein. 2. Tort- negligent misstatement Issues: Whether Amy can sue Betty for her wrong advice tendered to Amy as a result of negligent misstatement? Law and cases: In order to prove negligence on the part of defendant, claimant should satisfy three conditions. That defendant had a duty of care to the claimant; this was breached by the defendant; that the damage caused by the breach of duty was
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Writing to evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writing to evaluate - Essay Example Recently, it has two international editions have been added due to its popularity. Cosmopolitan magazine is the market leader in its niche for three reasons: usefulness in giving practical tips, universal appeal, and over-all presentation. Many women find Cosmopolitan as a useful guide for their needs. For example, young adults like college students look for practical tips on choosing make-up products as well comparing evaluation of current beauty products. However, Cosmopolitan does more than that by suggesting local products than can be a substitute for expensive ones. In addition to, the magazine occasionally inserts samples products from some very willing companies due to its wider readership. Another evidence of Cosmopolitan’s usefulness is its articles that features practical tips for working women. Cosmo shares helpful advice on dressing up for an interview, answering interview questions, dealing with gossips in the workplace, handling a difficult boss, and even comparing advantages and disadvantages of an office relationship. In addition this, smart and savvy fashion suited for a career woman is also presented in the glossy pages of the magazine. They also like the humor and the career tips and consider Cosmopolitan a â€Å"Great Magazine for Adult Women†with lots of â€Å"Sexy Advice†. That is why 87% of 53 members of this forum referred this magazine to family and friends. ( ) Cosmpolitan has a universal appeal to all readers since it also presents articles that women from any race, color or age can identify with. Aside from articles about career, Cosmopolitan also features interesting articles about relationships that all women find helpful. All kind of relationships are explored here including affairs and homosexual ones. In fact, Cosmopolitan has been engaged in controversial issues such as birth
Friday, July 26, 2019
Difference between intelligent and wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Difference between intelligent and wisdom - Essay Example The need to find the truth behind the functioning of different world phenomena and nature makes knowledge equally necessary for humankind. Knowledge, from the philosophical standpoint, may include that which emanates from an individual’s intellect or possession of wisdom. The debate on the distinctions that exist between intellect and wisdom attracts the consideration of several philosophical concepts. From a philosophical perspective, it is incontrovertible that both intelligence and wisdom constitute knowledge. This brings the question of how knowledge based on intelligence differs from that with a foundation on wisdom. Many philosophical attributes to intelligence relate it to the ability to embrace rational reasoning. Rationality, as pertains to reasoning, involves individuality of thought and reasoning. Knowledge gained through experience after an expansive span of time would bring wisdom. Lifelong education coupled with the various instances, through which one acquires k nowledge, are avenues that contribute to the acquisition of wisdom that individual posses. However, there is difference between information acquisition over a long time and the level of an individual’s wisdom. ... Wise individuals tend to concentrate on the desire and enthusiasm of redefining old truths and philosophical perspectives and ideas that may present confusing and divergent opinions. Wisdom, therefore, is a basis on which there is the gain of a deep understanding of ideas beyond existing theories. Generally, this comes with high advancement in an individual’s age. The relation of redefinition of phenomena to old age emanates from the necessity to relate past events to present situations. This renders the elderly part of the population well advanced, in age, to relate events over time. The various concerns that wisdom explore include the search for humanity and morality in the society. Knowledge of intellects and the wise may also differ in their forms of approach. An intellect would acquire knowledge through scientific means that are explainable in a way that detaches the individual from the context in study. It is purely abstract an explained through theoretical points of vie w. This renders intellect as impersonal and unrelated from the person. Intellectual knowledge, therefore, is self-governing through contextual explanations rather than based on attributes to the person who posses it. Wisdom, however, adopts a contrary approach from intellect. It assumes a spiritual approach to defining different phenomena. The wise are anxious about life-defining issues as the significance of life. In the definition and contextualization of most subjects, wise individuals adopt a personal approach. The premises in the discourse to finding an answer to a situation and concern do not depend on rigid theories that have empirical proofs. Instead, the wise finds solutions based on their personal feelings and their experience, over time, that helps in explaining their opinions.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Story book review for project management class Essay
Story book review for project management class - Essay Example As Peter Guber and Peter Bart follow suit from the eureka of the initial view until the end of its manifestation on the middle night television, the motivation behind the story is the omnipresent shoot out including the confrontations and standoffs, dilemmas and entanglements as directors, producers, writers, agents and stars struggle to put forward their personal and conflicting agendas in the look for the Holy Grail (Peter and David 2010). From the rise and collapse of the studio organization to the appearance of the heroes as entrepreneurs to the active duty of the sovereign, draws on a dream of future and the repeated as well as unheeded lessons of the previous. Shout out pertinently shows Hollywood as a firm, which producer’s stories the same way Detroit assembles motor majorly with backstabbing. As revealed by Stephanidis (2013), the industry very interesting as pointed out by Peter Guber and Peter Bart is the fact that an individual will not be able to rebound from prof ession oblivion as well as the one who will rise to the levels of filmic magnificence with an unexpected blockbuster. The real mavericks are the few people who are one day denigrated for their courage and then valued for their excellent delusions of magnificence. This essay therefore, gives an overview of the project management with respect to the book. Shoot out correctly, and regrettably, reflects Hollywood’s present lackluster ability to dazzle a listener with a given degree of novelty. The book tries to trip the reader inner secret report but fails to elucidate upon the insightful and interesting. As pointed out by Tinnirello (2000), the shoot out makes reader unaware of the evil acts and risks in the film industry. Guber and Bart have been key components of the Hollywood Industry, and have not only observed the firm and its revolutions, but have affected and trained the power brokers of the years to come. From as early as their recognition, Guber and Bart pointed out tha t their story will be a casual, quasi confess about the business of Hollywood. They asserted that various west coast bigwigs exit running in the different direction when asked to transmit knowledge on the drafted page. Every chapter has a theatrical heading given firms focus. When Guber and Bart are explaining the Godfather in the section about writer; the Holy Grail, they focus on the way novelist Mario Puzo simply outlne the grand Corleone story and sold it to the Paramount picture to take care of his growing family while drafting the story version of the novel. Drawing on his knowledge as the director in charge of the production of film, Peter Bart insecurely sketches an edition of the legend of the Godfather instead of elucidating what happened behind the scenes. Through touching of activities without any accurate detail, nothing latest is disclosed about the Godfather. The whole book could be drafted about the Brando’s vocational inflexibility or lack of film experience by Pacino. It is evident that the authors have a huge deal of disrespect for agent’s actions of feeding off the talents and riches of their customers. A review of Holmes (2002) revealed that the most innate chapter of the story; the Zookeepers, upholds a wonderful
Socrates, the father of western philosophy who discussed the Essay
Socrates, the father of western philosophy who discussed the importance of thinking philosophically in his work the Apology - Essay Example For Socrates, a â€Å"good life†is a â€Å"truthful life†achieved through learning and discussion of one’s own experiences in life. From him, the didactic way of learning sprang, where wisdom is ultimately achieved through conversation and questions, such the one posited above. By examination, we appeal to the intellect and learn what is true. Now to an extent, this may lead to a good life because in knowing our end, we can accept it as proper to man and we can deem it as possible to achieve. However, Socrates was only half correct in supposing that an examination of life is what makes worth living- â€Å"living†and experiencing the truthful life is what makes it worth living. At least for me, what is the point of having an idea without actually â€Å"realizing†it, without acting this ideal life out? Because the truth is, life is not just ideas but our goals is something concrete and material- especially if you will it. The disparity between â€Å"what is†and â€Å"what ought†has long caused debate because ideas may be easy to assume but hard to put in practice. This is where my personally philosophy of walking one’s talk comes in: I assume that everyone wants a happy life, but how many people work hard to achieve that life perhaps by being truthful in one’s thoughts and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Haematology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Haematology - Essay Example The subsequent decrease and increases in the blood components and processes as given by the test would have resulted to the illness condition of the patient. The patient reacted to several tests that can be explained as: the test of RBCs which denotes the Red Blood cells found that it existed at a ratio of 2.82x1012/L; this meant that the volume of Red Blood cells per liter of blood was lower than the expected and normal range for a normal individual at 3.8-5.8x1012/L. This meant that the volume of RBCs in the patient blood was already reduced by a certain percentage below the norm. This can be attributed to a reduced ability of the bone marrow to produce the Red Blood Cells. The inability of Red Blood Cell production by the bone marrow can be assumed to have resulted from the effects of cancer (Korde, et al., 2011). The normal hemoglobin mass in each deciliter of blood should be at 11.5-16.5g/dl but the test on the patient blood test revealed a lower level of 7.6g/dl thereby showing a reduced mass of hemoglobin that gives the blood its color. The concentration is below the normal range thus depicting that this patient was suffering from anemia. The HCT test revealed a lower volume in relation to the blood volume at 0.239L/L down from the normal level at 0.37-0.47L/L.This reduction would lead to an individual contracting a disease under such conditions. The MCV test gave a result of 84fL which is a visible drop from the normal expected range in normal individuals at 80-96fL. The MCH test also showed a drop from 27-32pg to 26.9pg which would have caused discomfort in the individual. MCHC test gave a result of 31.8g/dl which was different from the normal range lying at 32-36g/dl (University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2009). The patient before undergoing laboratory examinations was appearing fatigued, weight loss and increasingly severe back pains. Fatigue in the patient must have resulted from her condition of having less hemoglobin or rather low hemoglobin conten t in the blood cells. Hemoglobin is obviously responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood keeping the body and cells fresh and active. Low levels of hemoglobin will therefore mean that the blood circulated within the body will be carrying less oxygen in it, active body muscles are then become deprived of sufficient oxygen for respiration and low energy supply to the cells resulting to fatigue and extreme tiredness. The low volumes of red blood cells in the body blood also result to tiredness (Hematology, 2009). The pale appearance was a result of low hemoglobin level in the blood. This condition might have resulted from iron deficiency since iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which can also be linked to situations of inability of the body to absorb certain vitamins which help in hemoglobin production. The patient began treatment with a therapy of melphalan and thalidomide together with radiotherapy support for bone pain. This is a combined treatment that has largely been used in patients diagnosed with myeloma. Myeloma is also known as hematologic cancer which in other words refers to the cancer of blood and represents about 1% of all cancers in the white individuals and 2% of all cancers in black individuals. Myeloma has been greatly linked to the reduction in immune systems though no imminent cause has been identified to date and those susceptible to the disease are the aging
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Strategic Marketing - Essay Example Impact from uncontrollable variables such as Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors as well as Customers, Competitors, Suppliers, Publics and the company’s internal environment needs to be managed so that the opportunities are capitalised upon while countering any adverse effects. Managing the controllable variables in a company involves the managing of the marketing process. Marketing process involves identifying the consumer needs, selecting the need segments, which the company aims to cater to, and focusing on the selected segments with a well formulated marketing mix. The report aims at evaluating the controllable variables a company uses in meeting the needs of its business environment and analyse the similarities and contrasts between the controllable variables being utilised by two companies engaged in manufacturing and exporting of home accessories to the UK market. The two companies chosen are Zeba Group from India and J.D.Lighting Factory from China. T he analysis will also address the importance levels of each controllable variable to the two companies. With the rapid globalisation process and the increased level of Free Trade, the number of well established exporters to the European countries from Asia has increased substantially over the past decade. The two Asian export giants, India and China are pursuing their export drives aggressively and with the right mix of marketing elements, some companies have become established suppliers to some of the most sophisticated consumer markets in the world such as the UK. Zeba Group from India and J.D. Lighting Factory from China are two such examples of companies that have been successful in marketing their products in the UK home accessory market. Zeba Group, established in 1986 caters to many of the European and American markets with carpets, linens, quilts, cushions and a range of table and bed linen under its own brand name. The products are made available through a host of
Monday, July 22, 2019
Life Support Essay Example for Free
Life Support Essay The issue of sustaining life by medical technology is complicated by uncertainty as to when death actually occurs. Is it when breathing ceases, the heart stops beating, or brain activity is no longer evident? Medical support can keep a body breathing after meaningful signs of human life have ceased. There are individuals who seemingly have died, only to be resuscitated within minutes of interrupted heartbeat or breathing. Some who have been so resuscitated and kept alive with life support have recovered and returned to live normal lives. Others have not. Questions arise in these instances: How long should one try to hold on to life, especially when suffering persists and the quality of life is at question? When is our appointed time to die? Although most people may think of ventilators when they hear the words life support machine, there are many other types of machines used to sustain ones life. The type of life support machine used depends on the medical condition of the patient and the reasons for the use of life support machines. Patients with life threatening illnesses may make the choice to use life support machines while they are still of sound mind and capable of making their own decisions. There are four main types of life support machines. The first is a ventilator, which forces air into the lungs of a patient who cannot breathe on her own. The second type is a pacemaker which is used for those who have irregular heartbeats, or for those who suffer from an abnormality of the blood vessels. Next, there are dialysis machines, which are most commonly used for patients who suffer from renal (kidney) failure. A ventilator works by forcing warm, oxygenated air into the lungs while removing carbon dioxide. A plastic tube is inserted through the mouth and into the trachea, and is then hooked up to the ventilator which monitors every breath of the patient while regulating the air pressure at which the patient receives the air. Pacemakers are used most frequently for those who suffer from an irregular heartbeat or rhythm. They are surgically inserted below the skin, and emit electrical impulses that remind the heart to beat normally. Dialysis machines are used for both short and long term use, sometimes as a temporary measure to maintain the patients health until they can receive a kidney transplant or to prolong and provide a quality of life for people who are not transplant candidates. Hemodialysis is often used three times a week to help cleanse the blood and remove the build-up of deadly toxins. Hemodialysis machines work by removing the patients blood, running it through the machine to cleanse it, and then pumping it back into the patient. This process happens simultaneously with the use of a shunt. Life support machines enable patients to survive for a period of time while their body is recovering from a specific illness or injury. They benefit patients who only need them for a short time as well as people who are attempting to maintain quality of life for the long term. Life support machines are also beneficial in the event that the patient is deemed brain dead. In these circumstances, the organs continue to receive oxygen-rich blood flow to keep them functioning until they can be removed for transplantation. Many believe that life support machines are used only for those who are comatose or critically ill. They are however, also used for those who have a life threatening disease or injury, such as paralysis, who are attempting to maintain a normal life. A perfect example of this is Christopher Reeve. He relied on a ventilator to breathe for him a majority of the time, and before his death, was still able to lead a productive life. Many also believe that life support systems are used only in a hospital. Again, this is not true. The use of noninvasive ventilators are becoming more popular for those who wish to live at home. Patients who receive dialysis are able to reside at home while visiting a dialysis treatment center on scheduled days.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Fashions Of The 1950s Era Cultural Studies Essay
Fashions Of The 1950s Era Cultural Studies Essay The 1950s were a fascinating time in the United States that left an impressive mark on our society. Fashion during this unforgettable time was extremely imaginative and expressive, and overtime evolved into iconic images that are repeatedly replicated in fashion today. The now famous styles are historical icons in our culture that are recognized by the majority of Americans. The fashion of the 1950s is very memorable to our society because it was, rebellious, captivating, and unique. The 1950s are often thought of as a time with conservative families who had well-behaved children that listened to their parents rules, and lived in cookie cutter suburban communities. While for many this was true, there was also a great deal of teenage rebellion that came out of this era. As the 1950s opened, Americas adolescents were basically a conservative, unrebellious lot. [1] At the very start of the 1950s teens idolized the same older generation figures as their parents, so factors for a rebellion were simply not there. However, in the early part of the decade younger idols arose and new cultural factors began the start of a teenage rebellion and, By the late fifties Americas teenagers had acquired a distinct subculture of their own. They had their own money, music, movies, television shows, idols, clothing, and slang. [2] They had found their own fashions and they centered on casual dress, instead of the upright fashion of older generations. This rebellion was ea sily expressed through exciting new fashions that had never been seen before. These styles became a vital aspect to the 1950s era that are now recognized and imitated in the fashion world today. The fresh clothing ideas for teenage girls included, rolled-up jeans, full dresses with crinolines, skirts paired with sweaters, casual blouses, blazers, tube dresses, sack dresses, two-piece bathing suits, and brown and white saddle shoes. High school boys were regularly seen in sport shirts, denim jeans with rolled-up cuffs, baggy pegged pants, pleated rouge trousers with a white side stripe, V-neck sweaters, slacks with back buckles, button-down striped shirts, blazers, and loafers. [3] Favorite color pallets and designs incorporated into these styles were polka dots, dramatic bright colors, and pale pastel colors. [4] One of the up-and-coming teen idols was Rebel without a Cause, James Dean, whose iconic look consisted of a white tee shirt and sport jacket. [5] This rol e model led to the same age group of boys showing their own rebellion through a tough attitude, black leather jackets, jeans, and tee shirts with rolled sleeves to hold cigarette packs. This highly rebellious crowd became known as Greasers, a very recognizable subculture. To continue, style in the 1950s was captivating for many Americans of the time. While the style of the rebellious teens is sometimes the spotlight of Fifties fashion, older generations also embraced new fashion ideas. Americans in the 1950s were caught up in many popular fads. Perhaps to take their minds off the looming threats to Americas Securityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ [6] In 1950 popular fashion designer Christian Dior created designs for his concept of the New Look, and it quickly became the epitome of fashion for women at the time. His model emphasized an hourglass shape (still popular today), skintight tailoring, narrow waist, and a full flared skirt. Along with this latest fashion ideal, it was also popular for Fifties women to wear fashion staples such as, stiletto heels, bright red lipstick, hats, and gloves. In the 1950s it was common for women to be housewives, but many were also working outside the home, Although womens roles were changing, the most popular fashions of the 1950s emphasized womens femininity and sexuality. [7] Overall, for women a look of professional feminism was portrayed, but with young girls a more fun look was trendy. The most memorable of these looks was that of the bobby soxers, consisting of two-tone saddle shoes, ankle socks, white shirts, soft sweaters, neck scarves, and poodle skirts. Poodle skirts are a staple of the 1950s that were frequently worn to Sock Hops and were, full circular skirts decorated with felt patches of well-coiffed French poodles and were the fashion rage for teen girls. [8] A sense of style was even welcomed by young children because of the popularity of Western television shows; therefore, children would often mimic the look of their favorite cowboy. [9] Even male fashion began to take a more attractive and less stiff turn, clothing such as smart suits, sports jackets, and trousers with permenant creases. [10] In conclusion, the 1950s appealing fashion gave women a look of sophi sticated feminism, gave men a look of relaxed professionalism, and gave younger generations a look of carefree fun. Finally, it is easy to observe that the clothing styles and fashions of the generations were unique to the time, but conformity was also an accepted idea at the time as well. Even the most self-expressive group desired to fit it, Teenagers were also very conformist: They were very concerned about what their friends thought of their dress, behavior, and ideas, and they tried very hard to be part of the group and not be labeled an oddball or individualist. [11] It could be surmised that the reason for this need to be the same through fashion may have stemmed from the emerging suburban lifestyle in the United States, which was all about conformity through appearance. Therefore, fashion during the 1950s was most often not about being an individual with your own personal style, it was based off of being apart of a universal style. The fashions were so highly received that they could be seen on almost everyone of the decade. For example, powerful businessmen of the time sported the i nfamous gray flannel suits, which were paired with narrow brimmed hats. [12] As a result of televisions invading homes, and movie theaters growing, admiration of stars like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, added to the aspiration to achieve a trendy look of glamorous sophistication and elegance. [13] Of course, there were exceptions to the conformity ideal, and these groups were known as The Beatniks. These were citizens who detested conformity and separated themselves from the popular fashions by wearing black turtleneck sweaters, blue jeans, and sandals for men and black leotards and short skirts for women. Ironically, the style that they developed to protest being the same became a conformity in itself. [14] To sum up, even though 1950s fashion could be vastly conformist, the styles themselves were definitely unique and something that the country had never experienced, but quickly loved and would continue to adore for generations to come. In conclusion, the fashion of the 1950s was filled with blends of trendy, relaxed, fun, elegant, and sophisticated styles. The original fashions of this beloved decade are still treasured in society today, and these fashions are often still imitated in various styles in the fashion world. Because 1950s fashion was rebellious, captivating, and unique, it has evolved into a memorable part of history that will always have an element of current fashions for years to come. The Fifties style sums up everything that is flattering, does not appear to be a contrived fashion statement, and shows classic good style. [15]Â
Mineral Resource in Ecofriendly Invertebrate Powder
Mineral Resource in Ecofriendly Invertebrate Powder A SEARCH OF BIO MACRO AND MICRO MINERAL RESOURCE IN ECOFRIENDLY INVERTEBRATE POWDER: Eudrilus eugeniae J. Anitha, R. Selvakumar and Indira A. Jayraaj Abstract Quantification of macro and micro nutrients from earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae) was aimed and successfully elucidated in the present study. Macro minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, nitrogen and sodium and micro or trace elements like iron, selenium, zinc, copper, sulphur, Nickel, Chromium and molybdenum was assayed using colorimeter, Micro-Kjeldahl method, flame photometer, EDTA Titrimetric method and specifically atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). From the study, it is evident that the earthworm powder of E. eugeniae is a rich source of macrominerals (Calcium and Magnesium) and trace elements (Iron and selenium) together with notable quantities of other important elements, indicating that this earthworm contain potentially useful quantities of many nutrients that are critical to the health of the humans and animals who consume them. Keywords: AAS, Earthworm powder, Eudrilus eugeniae, Metals, Macro minerals. Introduction Metals are nutrients in soil are absorbed by plants, transferred to animals and men by food chains, and finally return to the soil. Earthworms are found virtually worldwide and live in almost any type of soil that contains the right amounts of moisture and organic particles and of various sizes and colors [1]. It has dense nutritional content because of their soil based origin [2]. The earthworm is a widely used Chinese herbal medicine [3]. Although Wallace [4;5] reported more than 100 years ago the inclusion of earthworms in diets of Amerindian tribal) populations little is known about the nutritive value of those edible invertebrates [6]. Extracting medicinal compounds from the earthworm has traditionally been practiced by indigenous people throughout the world, more particularly in Asia [7]. Previous earthworm studies have shown its antimicrobial [3] hepatoprotective [4], anticancer [8] and scar wound healing characteristics [9]. The anti-inflammatory activity together with antiox idant properties seems to be due to the high polyphenolic content in earthworm tissue [10]. Moreover, crude earthworm extract has a thrombolytic effect that could significantly promote blood circulation to remove stasis [11]. Minerals are the nutrients that exist in the body, and are as essential as our need for oxygen to sustain life. Minerals are also found in organic and inorganic combinations in food. It plays a vital role for all mental and physical processes including for total well being. They are most important factors in maintaining all physiological processes, are constituents of the teeth, bones, tissues, blood, muscle, and nerve cells [12]. Therefore, since the drive of animal farmers worldwide is to source for cheaper means of nutritive dietary supplement which may replace fishmeal wholly or partly in animal diet and also supply micro and macro-nutrients [13]. Considering the above facts the present study was aimed to quantify macro and micro or trace mineral profile of earthworm species Eudrilus eugeniae. Materials and methods Collection of earthworm The earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae was collected from Aarthi farms, Kondegoundanpalayam village, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. The collected species were cultured under optimal conditions in compost yard at Kongunadu Arts and Science College Premises, Coimbatore 641 029, Tamil Nadu, India, for further use. Processing of earthworm The earthworms were washed with running tap water to remove any dirt from body surface. The earthworms were kept in 0.5% NaCl at room temperature for 1-2h with few changes of solution until their digestive systems were clean. Cleaned earthworms are taken and dried at 65-800C in forced draught, stainless-steel lined ovens. Ground the samples completely to a particle size of less than 1mm, and mixed thoroughly before a sub sample of suitable size is stored for analysis. Store the samples in a clearly labelled, airtight, glass or polycarbonate containers to prevent samples from contamination. Storage at room temperature is sufficient, but long term storage of reference material requires freezing. Re-dry the samples at 650C for 12 hours prior to weighing for heavy metal analysis. Digestion of earthworm Weigh 0.5 1 g sample accurately into acid washed 250 ml digest tubes. Add 6 10 ml concentrated HNO3, swirl to mix sample and acid. Place tubes onto a Tecator 40 system, or similar set at 1000C for 2 hours. Reduce the total volume to 1 ml. The sample solution becomes thick slurry. Remove samples from digestion block; allow cooling and diluting to 10 or 20 ml with deionized water. Allow samples to settle (minimum 2 hours, preferably overnight), and filter through Whatman No. 40 filter paper or centrifuge at 6000 rpm for 15 minutes. Run at least two digest blanks with samples. The schematic representation of analytical procedure of minerals is given in figure1. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the micro and macro nutrient analytical procedure Method of mineral analysis The processed earthworm powder was subjected to quantification of macro minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, nitrogen and sodium) and micro or trace elements (iron, selenium, zinc, copper, sulphur, nickel, chromium and molybdenum) using the methods of Jackson [14] for spectrophotometer (Perkin elmer Lamada EZ201), flame photometer (Cole-Parmer, 500731), EDTA Titrimetric and specifically atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Hitachi Z9000) [15;16]. Results The selected earthworm species, E. eugeniae was successfully converted into powdered and subjected to mineral analysis in that six macro minerals namely calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium and eight trace elements like iron selenium, zinc, copper, sulphur, nickel, chromium and molybdenum was noticed and are depicted in table 1 and 2. Table 1: Macrominerals content in EWP (E. eugeniae) Table 2: Microminerals or trace elements content in EWP (E. eugeniae) The trend observed in macrominerals of E. eugeniae contained a higher concentration of calcium (0.75%) which is followed by magnesium (0.66%), phosphorous (0.36%), potassium (0.33%), nitrogen (0.29%) and sodium (0.19%) respectively. Among the trace elements, iron (1.73%) was found to be maximum followed by selenium (0.96%). Apart from these two micro elements the traces of zinc (0.50%), copper (0.43%), sulphur (0.22%), nickel (0.14%), chromium (0.10%) and molybdenum (0.02%) was also noticed. Discussion Now a day’s importance of minerals is clinical known and these minerals are inorganic chemical elements not attached to a carbon atom.There is a distinction between minerals and trace minerals. If the body requires more than 100 milligrams then that substance is labelled as a mineral. If the cellular body requires less than this, it is labelled a trace mineral. Trace minerals are generally needed in quantities of only a few milligrams (mg) or micrograms ( µg) per day. The higher content of calcium in E. eugenia suggests that this species of earthworm probably has a higher capacity of storage of calcium in its tissues as suggested by the presence of calcium gland in it [17]. The earthworms also contain nutritionally significant amounts of calcium, which would be important for pregnant or lactating women, young children at risk of calcium-deficiency rickets and postmenopausal women in whom there might be concern about osteoporosis and fractures [6]. Earthworms require these minerals for their day to day physiological activities. It may be because they have to burrow or swallow their way through hard packed soil. For in order to perform these various physiological bioactivities, the earthworm must maintain a constant firing (electrical potential) of the nerve and muscle cells and needed for this is the higher calcium and magnesium concentration. Calcium and magnesium have been shown to be involved in regulating nervous excitability and muscular contraction i.e. maintaining the electrical potential in nerve and muscle cells [18]. Nitrogen occurs in all organisms, primarily in amino acids (and thus proteins) and also in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). The human body contains about 3% by weight of nitrogen, the fourth most abundant element in the body after oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen [19]. Phosphorous works with calcium to develop and maintain strong bones, teeth and enhances use of other nutrients. It plays a key role in cell membrane integrity, intercellular communication and for proper energy processing in the body. Potassium is important in DNA and protein synthesis, Apart from this potassium is important in cell volume regulation [20]. Sodium in EWP of E. eugeniae was found to be 0.19 ppm. Sodium is the major cation of the extracellular fluid which in conjunction with potassium forms the Na+-K+ pump which effectively maintains Na+ as an impairment extracellular solute [21]. Paloetti et al. [6] reported that all of the earthworm (kuru and motto) preparations were excellent sources of iron, having iron contents that ranged from 1050  µg-1 in kuru’s meat to 2990  µg-1 in motto’s meat. They compared the iron contents of these two earthworm preparations with those of some other meats. This means that, assuming good bioavailability of the iron in the earthworms, they could be a useful food source to mitigate the risk of iron-deficiency anaemia. Selenium is essential component of teeth, key antioxidant enzyme and necessary for normal growth and development. It has a function in detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury and plays an important role in the production of antibodies by the immune system. Zinc is an important antioxidant, which records 0.5% in the present study. It plays an essential part of more than 200 enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, immune response and wound healing. Copper is an essential element for the formation of normal red blood cell and connective tissue formation. It acts as a catalyst to store and release iron to help form haemoglobin and also contributes to central nervous system function. Sulfur is involved in the formation of structural protein, including muscles and hair. It also severs critical role in liver detoxification. Its important function is to act as an antioxidant nutrient and oxygen handling role in growth. Nickel is found in all animal tissues and the highest concentration was noticed in nucleic acids, particularly RNA, and is involved in protein structure or function. It may activate certain enzymes related to the breakdown or utilization of glucose [22]. Chromium helps in glucose metabolism and aids to regulate blood sugar by potentiating insulin and serving as a component of glucose tolerance factor. Molybdenum contributes to normal growth and development. It is a key component in many enzyme systems involved in detoxification. In conclusion, the minerals in earthworm powder obtained from E. eugenaie are capable of satisfying a significant fraction in daily requirements of minerals which plays a significant role in human nutrition without any adverse side effects. References Ogbulie JN, Uwazuoke JC, Ogieho SI. Introductory Microbiology Practical. Springfield Publishers Nigeria. 1998; 70-120. Ansari AA, Sitaram K. An investigation into antimicrobial and antifungal properties of earthworm powder obtained from Eisenia fetida. American Journal of Food Technology 2011;6(4): 329-335. Balamurugan M, Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS, Cooper EL. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019
Issues of Survival :: Essays Papers
Issues of Survival â€Å"We will only change if we survive, but we will only survive unless we change.†I believe that the Dalai Lama, in his book Ethics for a New Millennium, discusses many issues pertaining to the current state of our society that are of dyer importance if we hope to survive into the next few generations. Primarily, I am referring to his discussion of happiness as it relates to inner peace, the acknowledgement of universal responsibility, and the need to educate our children responsibly, inside and outside of the classroom. The Dalai Lama makes the assertion that, as humans, we are all ultimately searching for happiness. The way we can become truly happy is by acknowledging that, â€Å"the principal characteristic of genuine happiness is peace: inner peace.†(55) We can achieve this inner peace by putting others needs on the same plane as our own needs and by recognizing that our own well-being is intimately attached to that of others. I believe this is crucial to our survival. By raising others needs to a level of our own, we are acknowledging that they are an asset to our lives and equally contribute to the human family. This, in my mind, guarantees them the universal rights of food, water, shelter, education, health services, and safety. We are improving our own lives when we lift up the lives of others. Whether one believes in karma or not, it is true that we feel a positive emotion after thinking of or helping others. â€Å"The impact of our actionsâ€â€both positive and negativeâ€â€register deep within us.†(88) That is why we need to continue to think of others well-being; it lifts our spirits and helps us achieve inner peace. True inner peace and happiness cannot be achieved, in my opinion, without the acceptance of the Dalai Lama’s ideas of universal responsibility. My thoughts regarding this are based off the idea that we can never be truly happy while there is human (or environmental) suffering. If it is true happiness for which we are searching, we have a responsibility to everyone’s happiness.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Recreating the Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
2001: Recreating the Brain Perhaps one of the most interesting and least understood aspects of neurobiology is human consciousness. For many, this "experience of self" (an aspect of consciousness which will be used interchangeably with consciousness in this particular paper) defines what it means to be human. Personality and emotion, and their connection to the experience of self, can yield insight into creating artificial intelligence that can mimic conscious human brain function. By discussing the implications of consciousness in computers with artificial intelligence, the significance of the experience of self within humans becomes clearer. The challenge of understanding personality may be more easily surmounted by studying the significance of personality in relation to something else, in this case alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease that affects millions of people and is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors (1). Low self esteem and abusive relationships can lead to alcoholism in individuals who do not show a genetic tendency towards the disease. However, it is not necessarily the alcoholic's fault, or his/her family's fault, that the individual displays alcoholism. No one is destined to become an alcoholic, but it is true that a tendency towards alcoholism can be inherited. Alcoholism is twice as likely to appear in homozygous twins than in heterozygous twins (1). Children born to alcoholic parents, but brought up by non alcoholic adoptive parents, are three times more likely to develop alcoholism than the natural children of the adoptive parents (1). However, many children of alcoholic parents never have to battle alcoholism themselves (1). Therefore, it should be viewed as a disease that individuals can be predisposed towards, much like diabetes or hypertension (1). Personality traits also seem to have a role in inheriting a tendency towards alcoholism (2). Some researchers believe that, using personality traits, they can predict with 80% accuracy which individuals have the capacity to develop alcoholism (2). This implies that individuals who manifest these personality traits are most likely genetically predisposed to develop alcoholism at some point in their life. So individuals are genetically predisposed toward personality traits as well. This interplay between genetics and personality traits brings up an important point, the exact definition of the word "personality". Careful inspection of the common use of the word "personality" illustrates that it holds different meanings at different times. When an individual refers to someone else's personality, they refer to that person's tendency to behave in a certain way.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Homosexuality Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Homosexuality For years scientists have been attempting to ascertain whether or not homosexual behavior can be linked to a biological catalyst. From Alfred Kinsey's revolutionary survey in 1947 to the current media upheaval about a prospective "gay gene," the desire to pinpoint a cause for the personalities and behaviors associated with homosexuality has reached new plateaux. The scientific community is constantly developing more and more evidence to suggest that there may well be a neurological explanation for homosexuality. Although historical studies and purposed treatments have ranged from group counseling to shock therapy, recent research suggests that exposure to an abnormally high or low amount of certain hormones could potentially affect sexual behavior. Just as there is no gene for heterosexuality, there can be no "gay gene." Genes are not responsible for an individual's actions; they simply guide the "sequence of a particular protein that may influence behavior" ( 1 ). However, it is possible that there is a genetic factor which is responsible for a protein synthesis resulting in particular sex hormone levels (namely testosterone and estrogen) which could augment certain sex-typical characteristics, and might explain sexual behavior ( 1 ). This paper will discuss various studies which examine the effects of male and female hormones in an attempt to develop a potential correlation between biological foundations and homosexual behavior. According to Fred Delcomyn (2), mammals naturally develop as females "in the absence of sex hormones." Without the intervention of androgens (testicular hormones, specifically testosterone), all mammals develop in utero as female. Not only are the genitals identical in early fe... ...r that personality and behavior are more than simple chemical reactions. While prenatal over-androgenization or estrogenization could potentially be one of the many underlying causes of homosexuality, this has only been shown in certain cases, largely those in which chemical abnormalities have caused effeminate or masculinizing behavioral (and in some cases physical) traits. The studies discussed herein cannot account for the physiological characteristics of every member of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community. It is also possible that the amounts of hormones studied are not abnormal, but fall somewhere in the spectrum of human sexuality. Internet Sources: 2. Delcomyn, Fred. Foundations of Neurobiology. New York: W.H. Freeman & Co. 1998
Ethics Team Case
The auditor discovers that the manager in question, referred to as Charles, is exclusively responsible for setting bonus targets for himself and his department. This alone poses a red flag in the mind of the auditor.In particular is the simple fact that a manager should not be solely responsible or the distribution of bonus targets for his own gratuity. Furthermore, a fundamental element of internal control was not in play. This could give rise to a conflict of interest and overlook a segregation of duties. Following protocol, the auditor brings the issue up to senior management of the accounting firm who concurs that there is a potential issue and requests the auditor to pursue another meeting with Charles. Ultimately, it is determined that there is a noteworthy statement of error on the bonus accruals that will need to be reaffirmed.This will also be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). There is little doubt that this will be a poor reflection on the performance of Charles and may even lead to further ramifications. The auditor's manager is in agreement with this restatement until he learns that the manager that was audited was Charles. The accounting firm manager and Charles are friends outside of work and, from what we can gather, are close with each other's families as well. Immediately pressure is put on the auditor to reverse course and hold off on any formal restatements.With insinuations from the auditor's manager that filing any restatements against Charles or his department would be detrimental to her performance review, the auditor is now faced with a career changing decision. Her performance review and future with the company is at the discretion of her manager. More importantly, by correctly reporting the misstatement, she will guarantee a poor review and possibly a termination of employment. Placed in a compromising position, the auditor's loyalty is questioned. To whom does she owe her loyalty in this situation?As a Certified Public Accountant, there are certain calls of duty, a Code of Ethics to the profession, the obligation to the Organization, and the general financial stability of the marketplace. More importantly, a performance of one's responsibilities in identifying potential misstatements that prevent false or misleading information is proper protocol. In addition to these allegiances, there is the question of obligation that the auditor has to her direct supervisor; who, in this instance, is asking her to ignore duties to the firm and her professional association.We will examine several alternatives that the auditor could choose while being put in this precarious position. Ultimately we will arrive at what we determine is the cost appropriate decision among the alternatives and will argue that decision with ethical concepts we have learned throughout the semester. Alternatives and Measurements With further evaluation of the case, it is evident that the relevant stakeholder is the young auditor working for the large accounting firm. She is faced with decisions regarding her career, her loyalty to the company and manager, and her profession as a certified public accountant.The auditor is faced with various alternatives that can be leveraged to alleviate the compromising situation that she has found herself to be in at this time. It is clear that one alternative will ultimately hold itself morally superior than the other alternatives, but careful analysis relating to general moral theory is needed to appreciate the arguments. As determined by our team, the auditor is faced with four alternatives to benefit the current situation that she finds herself in.Below is our thorough analysis of the four alternatives, which eventually leads to the morally superior choice. As an auditor, this individual is faced with a precarious situation that has the potential to make or break her career as a Certified Public Accountant. Together, as a team, our first identifiable alternative to th e situation is for the young auditor to ignore the situation entirely. Kant thinks that the validity of morality depends on the freedom of the will and conceptually, a duty, and is certainly achievable (Discarding,J & McCall, 2014).Given this rationale, we have learned that the individual's manager has strongly encouraged the auditor to ‘indoor on other things and to move past these questionable findings†(Case 1). If the auditor simply conceded to the managers requests, she would ultimately assert herself to the belief that there is generally no laid or required moral standard. Relativism is a greater title. It is not what people do believe, but what they should believe. Imposing ones moral beliefs on another is wrong, especially if the belief is categorically immoral.Seeing that the auditor's manager has a direct relationship to Charles and his family clouds his judgment, but according to moral theory, it is not wise for the auditor to levy her beliefs on the situation . Turning a blind eye in the face of adversity is something that is not normally celebrated by individuals, but relevant to the young auditors career, it may have been the only viable Option at that time. Her direct manager has threatened the auditor indicating that by failing to let this go, her year-end performance review will be compromised (Case 1).The potential consequences could be debilitating and end her career as a Certified Public Accountant. The performance review was critical. It was duly noted that if one does not get promoted according to the firms regulated progression schedule, they are likely not to have a job after performance roundtable (Case 1). This could very well have been the only realistic alternative that the young auditor sensed at the end of the discussions. Collectively, as a team and contrary to the aforementioned option, we arrived at another credible alternative to the situation; asking a similar manager with unbiased views for his/her opinion.The aud itor states in the case that her direct manager was friends with Charles and did not want to see Charles ultimately come under scrutiny for his self-imposed bonus payout practices. With a willingness to review the matter at hand, managers sharing the same fiscal responsibility as the young auditor may appreciate the gravity of the situation. We looked to this alternative as a viable method of creasing the possible effects facing both Charles and the young auditor's manager.We can only assume and, therefore, hope that the other manager would see the â€Å"ethical implications†regarding the bonus payout made to both Charles and his employees. The correlation of basic rights holds important implications to this alternative by protecting the rights of persons in pursuit of the common good (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). Most of us are committed to the belief that some individual interests should be protected from actions aimed at improving the good for all, that this is not alwa ys sufficientjustification for sacrificing the interests of the few.Individuals have rights that should not be sacrificed merely for satisfying the preferences of a majority (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). If the auditor hydration had determined that Charles' actions are questionable at best, she has the right to bring it to the attention of another person other than her direct manager. This foundation relies on the fact that he was willing to do nothing in relation to the impropriety at hand. Basic rights are positive rights as well as duties (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). They impose affirmative obligations to help secure another's interests.We can see as a team that it is necessary for the young auditor to evaluate the positive rights and duties as related to these alternatives. Besides the reinforcement of proper auditing procedures, the ill benefits of monies allocated to Charlie could further service the company or to other hard working employees. The positive duties can be s hared among players, in this case between the auditor and a similar manager; therefore it is obvious that the auditor can use this as an option to share her thoughts arising from Charles' duplicitous bonus practice.While involving others can somewhat be frowned upon in certain professional situations, we find that, given her hefty predicament, it is a necessary alternative for the young auditor going forward. As a team, we have two alternatives to the young auditor's current situation. Based on ethical theories and the current situation, our third alternative is relevant to the young auditor's mandatory decision process. General moral theory lends itself to the argument of theories, utilities and rights. Morality is a layered definition that lends itself to specific judgments and the obvious action that that the option is morally wrong.They can be determined as mid- level rules and/or basic principles, most notably a Certified Public Accountants Code of Ethics. We recognized the har mful consequences that could possibly be incurred by the bonus payouts for Charles and his team. Stated in the case are the facts that not only was Charles â€Å"responsible for setting the performance targets required for a bonus payout to both the employees in his department and himself,†but the auditor had also â€Å"quantified the bonus accrual to be misstated by several million dollars†(Case 1).In accord with the Utilitarianism argument represented in general moral theory, this misstatement directly relates to harmful consequences for both the individuals and society. When part of a large Fortune 500 company, financial statements are disclosed with the Securities Exchange Commission. Incorrectly reporting the financial not only places ramifications on the individuals responsible, in this case the auditing team and pertinent individuals from the company being audited at the time, but it relates directly to the stockholders of the company.Incorrect financial state ments can cause detriment to society as a whole seeing that investor's in the company would potentially be investing in a company that was misstating their financial for gain. As a team we decided that the cost/benefit analysis involving this situation was significant enough not to be overlooked. When faced with situations where the competent way of achieving one's goals and objectives jars with moral values, a person needs to ask herself why should one be ethical? The power to tackle the confusions produced by the leading view of management is the appeal of stakeholder theory.The theory suggests that a fundamental oral principle to bear on corporate activities; one that requires managers to acknowledge all that corporate stakeholders have equals their moral status. In addition, they are to acknowledge this status in all of their activities (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). A Utilitarianism argument actually supports the stakeholder theory since it compels that managers take everyone' s interest into account, not just the stockholders. Ultimately it maximizes happiness and encourages interest satisfaction for all concerned in the situation (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014).Evaluating the decision and policy as to whether it increases utility for all that can be affected while defining the stakeholder, the young auditor faced with this problem would have no option but to let all relevant parties know the general misconduct affirmed by the company and choose to let senior management evaluate the egregious acts. Utilitarianism as learned benefits the â€Å"common good†and when relating the financial statements to larger portfolio of stockholders for the company, it seems necessary that this alternative is sustainable.We will be, more than likely, exposed to unethical behaviors in all venues of the business world. But, virtue has its own reward. There are countless, truthful ways that the young auditor can approach her ill-fated circumstances, but sometimes a pe rson could be uncovered to barriers that are beyond control. In order for a leader to inspire others, they need to lead by example. Good leadership takes strength of character and a firm commitment to do the right thing based on your moral code. Therefore, another alternative would be to release herself from the duties of the company.Ethics are normally concerned with moral responsibilities or with Inquiries linking to what is right or wrong. The actions of supervisors, what resolutions they pursue, and what actions they take are all touched by ethics. In any given setting, what a supervisor observes as â€Å"right' instinctively affects his or her actions and the actions of the employees. Moral standards are the consequence of shared strengths and human understandings over hundreds of years. For example, society condemns cheating, lying, and stealing. However, the application of ethics is an individual consideration.Do you or do you not follow moral standards when dealing with oth ers? Are you aware of a moral code and, if so, how do you interpret it? Differences in awareness and interpretation of ethical standards create many problems. To demonstrate, when does a deed consent to the domain Of righteous self-interest and become personal deceit? Does the fact that a person was not disciplined for a certain action make it acceptable? Not being reprimanded may be why Charles did not change his tactics. All too often, actions are justified based on the means used or based on the ends accomplished.That is, do we hold an act to be morally right on the basis of the means used or on the basis of the end result? One might reason, for example, that the act of lying if it achieves positive results, is acceptable? Conversely, one might consider any action that employs ethical ways to be perfectly justifiable regardless of the outcome. A person's inclination to protest with a company's ethical standards demonstrates their moral code and usually is fixed and consistent acr oss all frameworks. Business ethics will believe your corporate image what you portray it to be.The ethical imprint you leave with others dictates in volumes about your personality. The team came to an abrupt realization that sometimes in business, in order to safeguard your corporate presentation ND image, surrendering your duties may be the only feasible choice. The Morally Superior Alternative Looking through the mission, vision, or value statements Of most corporations, you will observe that nearly every company comprises a statement about integrity; a soundness of moral character. After all, integrity should be the basis for doing business.Moreover, a person does not want to work for a company that exemplifies dishonestly to their employees. However, simplicity has its conquests. Rationalizing a situation to legitimate its integrity, reliant on corporate policy, can be difficult. Acceptable practices f defining integrity require personal judgment and value statements are intend ed to be reminiscent that corporate responsibility of integrity is shared as a culture. With our team's values being represented as such, the analysis of all four probable decision alternatives guided us to choose the morally superior alternative.Ultimately we have decided that a marriage of two alternatives is the superior option for the young auditor. Whistle blowing on the situation, while simultaneously looking for employment elsewhere at a firm that respects an individual's moral code represents itself to us as the viable option. The ethical action is tone that provides the greatest good for the greatest number (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). By disclosing all pertinent facts to proper personnel, including the SEC, and retiring her position from the firm, the auditor can maintain her integrity and ethical behavior in her professional career.The general moral theory concepts are outlined below as substantiating evidence for our decision. . Our approach was gained in the analysis . Realizing that there was a problem, we came to the realization that the young auditor was facing a moral and atheistically or moral problem, en being the rules Of conduct recognized in respect to Charles' actions and the latter being the personal compass of right and wrong with Charles and the auditor's supervisor. The ethics are governed by loosely fitting professional guidelines where morality surpasses these cultural standards.Given these external standards provided by the organization, one's morals may be influenced. Milton Friedman believed that all a business has to focus on is to use its resources and make profit. However, even he believed that the business needed to stay with the rules of the game (Discarding, J & McCall, 2014). Turning a blind eye on the situation, selecting another supervisor to analyze the facts, ceasing employment at the company, or to taking drastic measures and blowing the whistle on the covert relations, are all options that the young auditor can ta ke.But, in which direction does her moral compass point? Can she live with her decision to do nothing about it? The threat of disclosing information to another supervisor can result in further repercussions of her job performance, hence, her forced early termination. As an auditor, you accept a Code of Ethics that states the principles and expectations governing the behavior of individuals and organizations (International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants, 2013). This impartial declaration is designed to add value to one's self and the organization that they represent.It is founded on principles of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and competency. Internal Auditor's principles recite that acting with due diligence and responsibility while observing the law and not participating in activities that may impair unbiased assessment of information relevant to professional judgments are what shapes the formation of the elite auditor. Auditors are to provide judicious guarantee a bout whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements, resulting from error or fraud.Their failure to support the opinion that they have filed is one's responsibility. The synergistic relationship of business and society calls for ethics in these practices. Neither of these groups could succeed without the faith of the other (SABA, 2014). The team has used this honorable set Of principles to forgo a coalesced decision moving forward. Sometimes it is easier to form opinions outside the realm of things. However, taking the morally superior alternative would be to honor the given principles that one's profession dictates.We have come to realize that, the auditor's company does not demonstrate the doctrines of trust and honesty. There are certain standards that which we strive for complete maturity of our morality. Through considerate thought on what kind of persons we likely want to become, the Virtue Approach enables us to act in ways that develop our highest potent ial. They allow us to follow the models we have embraced; honesty, courage, compassion, integrity, and self-control. Virtues are like bits, once learned; they become illustrative off person.A person who has recognized these virtues will naturally be ready to act in ways that are sound with moral principles. That being said, the virtuous person is the ethical person. The young auditor, we feel, is that ethical person who should reveal all pertinent information through the proper channels and look for employment elsewhere. Thereafter, terminating her position from her current place of employment will be the key that will open the moral lock and give her the ability to distance herself from all unethical behaviors.This case provided an interesting challenge demonstrating various ethical solutions that the team could have embraced. Eventually, the team made the recommendation based on a moral code of human society and professionalism. The auditor's Code of Ethics represents the ethical steps to her future excellence in the corporate world, but more importantly, for herself.
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