Monday, September 30, 2019
How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealers Essay
Assignment 1: Village Volvo Q-1: Describe Village Volvo’s Service Package Ans-1: Core Service Package: Quality Repair Service on Out of Warranty Volvos This Consist of Five Components: Supporting Facility Facilitating Goods Information Explicate Service Implicit Service Also Routine Service like Tune up and Oil Change†¦ Village Volvo has one Unique Feature that is: History of Work Information About Repaired Volvo History of Fault arise in Volvo Help Desk for Mechanics Beside the Core Service Village Volvo provide Additional Service Like: 1. Routine Service Customer Relationship Historical Trend Cost and Time Estimation Equipped Waiting Room Q-2: How are the Distinctive Characteristics of a Service Firm illustrated by Village Volvo? Ans-2: Village Volvo implemented Service package which make customer Convinced and Comfortable Generally in Service Operation Management there is one Rule: â€Å"If you are able to make customer your side your 50% job has to be done†In village Volvo there are main three distinctive things: Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 1 Assignment 1: Village Volvo 1. Customer Comfort 2. Trust 3. Respect Village Volvo Provide good service with additional service. One other good service is Management Information System in Village Volvo†¦ Q-3: Characterize Village Volvo in Regard to the nature of the service act, the relationship with customers, customization and judgment, the nature of demand and supply, and method of service delivery. Ans-3: Following is the appropriate answer Nature of Service: Customer Participation Relationship: High Contact with Customer Customization and Judgment: Very High Nature of Demand and Supply: Pull Method of Service Delivery: Case Management Proactive intervention supportive service Q-4: How Could Village Volvo manages its back office (i.e. repair operation) like a factory. Ans-4: Village Volvo manages its back office by following ways: 1. Proper Spare Parts Management 2. Provide Next Service date and have a record with Village Volvo so, it will help for daily and weekly Planning. 3. Differentiate Emergency and Routine That is from Village Volvo†¦ As per my knowledge Village Volvo Should use some Quality Philosophy Like 5S of Quality Management 1st S: Sorting 2nd S: Set in Order Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 2 Assignment 1: Village Volvo 3rd S: Shine 4th S: Standardize 5th S: Sustain There are more three S of Quality Management 6th S: Safety 7th S: Security 8th S: Satisfaction Q-5: How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealer? Ans-5: Village Volvo can differentiate itself from Volvo dealer from following ways: 1. Differentiation Through Service Excellence Integrated Virtual Call Centre Integrated Service Network Proactive offer sales service Customer Touch point Management Smart Service agent It is essential to ensure consistent customer Experience across touch point which reinforce your brand and sends the message to customer that you understand them well. OVERALL CONCLUSION: This is all about Service Operation Management (SOM). So, whatever ever Philosophy is for Service Operation Management which is related to Village Volvo like†¦ Dimension of Service Perceived Service Quality Expected Service Perceived Service Prepared by: Milan Padariya Page 3 Assignment 1: Village Volvo Mainly three dimensions considered in Service Operation Management†¦ 1. ESPS: Expectation no met: Unsatisfactory: Customer not Happy I want to add one more thing: In Village Volvo there are two Possibilities: 1. ES
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ap Bio Unit Packet 38-40
Lissette Rivera Chapters 38-40 Answer all questions on looseleaf or type the answers in from the website and print. PART A: 1. Draw a general diagram of the life cycle of a seed plant. Indicate which steps are haploid and which are diploid. 2. Define microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis. In what portion(s) of the flower does each of these processes occur? What is the end product of each process? Microsporogenesis produces our microspores. It occurs in the sporangia of the anther in flowers.Four haploid microspores are produced when the mother cell undergoes meiosis. Each microspore develops into a pollen grain. Megasporogenesis occurs in the sporangium of the ovule of a flower. After meiosis, the embryo sac is produced (egg, nucei, antipodal cells, synergids). 3. Draw and label all parts of a complete flower. Indicate the functions of the major parts. 4. What is pollination? How does it differ from fertilization? Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the s tigma of the plant through wind, animals, insects, etc.It differs from fertilization in that fertilization is caused by pollination. Pollination also only occurs in plants whereas fertilization can occur to reproduction in all plants and animals. Pollination 5. Draw and label a mature ovule. Include the micro-pyle, integuments, nucellus, synergids, polar nuclei, egg, and anti-podals. Indicate the functions of each of these structures. 6. What stages of the life cycle are eliminated or bypassed when plants are cloned naturally? When plants are cloned on the farm or in the laboratory? The gametophyte generation is bypassed when plants are cloned naturally.When plants are cloned on the farm or in the laboratory, cutting small pieces of plants can be grown into a complete plant. 7. What does the science of plant biotechnology do that artificial selection and/or cloning practices don’t do? Biotechnology adds genes from other organisms to plants, which other artificial selection or cloning practices does not do. PART B: 1. One of the problems associated with growing plants in space is lack of gravity. a. How does gravity affect the normal growth of a plant’s roots, stems, and other parts? Explain the mechanisms involved.Under gravity, auxin accumulates on the lower side of the root and stems, and slows down elongation of cells in the roots under high concentrations. Auxin concentrations with 10-8 and 10-4 stimulate proton pumps. Enzymes break crosslinks between cellulose molecules and allow the cell to elongate. b. How would a lack of gravity affect normal growth? Seeds rely on the gravitropic responses when they’re underground under absence o flight. c. Propose mechanisms to overcome the problems associated with a lack of gravity. Plant orientation is impacted by light. It counteracts lack of gravity. Ap Bio Unit Packet 38-40 Lissette Rivera Chapters 38-40 Answer all questions on looseleaf or type the answers in from the website and print. PART A: 1. Draw a general diagram of the life cycle of a seed plant. Indicate which steps are haploid and which are diploid. 2. Define microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis. In what portion(s) of the flower does each of these processes occur? What is the end product of each process? Microsporogenesis produces our microspores. It occurs in the sporangia of the anther in flowers.Four haploid microspores are produced when the mother cell undergoes meiosis. Each microspore develops into a pollen grain. Megasporogenesis occurs in the sporangium of the ovule of a flower. After meiosis, the embryo sac is produced (egg, nucei, antipodal cells, synergids). 3. Draw and label all parts of a complete flower. Indicate the functions of the major parts. 4. What is pollination? How does it differ from fertilization? Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the s tigma of the plant through wind, animals, insects, etc.It differs from fertilization in that fertilization is caused by pollination. Pollination also only occurs in plants whereas fertilization can occur to reproduction in all plants and animals. Pollination 5. Draw and label a mature ovule. Include the micro-pyle, integuments, nucellus, synergids, polar nuclei, egg, and anti-podals. Indicate the functions of each of these structures. 6. What stages of the life cycle are eliminated or bypassed when plants are cloned naturally? When plants are cloned on the farm or in the laboratory? The gametophyte generation is bypassed when plants are cloned naturally.When plants are cloned on the farm or in the laboratory, cutting small pieces of plants can be grown into a complete plant. 7. What does the science of plant biotechnology do that artificial selection and/or cloning practices don’t do? Biotechnology adds genes from other organisms to plants, which other artificial selection or cloning practices does not do. PART B: 1. One of the problems associated with growing plants in space is lack of gravity. a. How does gravity affect the normal growth of a plant’s roots, stems, and other parts? Explain the mechanisms involved.Under gravity, auxin accumulates on the lower side of the root and stems, and slows down elongation of cells in the roots under high concentrations. Auxin concentrations with 10-8 and 10-4 stimulate proton pumps. Enzymes break crosslinks between cellulose molecules and allow the cell to elongate. b. How would a lack of gravity affect normal growth? Seeds rely on the gravitropic responses when they’re underground under absence o flight. c. Propose mechanisms to overcome the problems associated with a lack of gravity. Plant orientation is impacted by light. It counteracts lack of gravity.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Action Learning In Leadership Development Education Essay
Action Learning In Leadership Development Education Essay From recent study leadership is personal trait (Stogdill, 1948; Goleman, 1998) to a focus on the process and relationship between leaders and followers (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978) leadership is a function of the entire collective process of all the personality traits. Leadership is developed by continuous steps of learning that is it cannot be developed at a time. It is developed through processes of learning. (Barker, 2001; Drath, 2001) Leonard, S. and Lang, F (2010) says that action learning for leadership development. He describes action learning is being used increasingly now days as a main method to build leadership skills and improving leadership behavior. He also describes different skills of leadership like cognitive skills, relationship skills, and self management skills are developed through action learning As described by the Reeve, S. (1999) described the importance of working in group in action learning. He describes that successful action learning creates good adult/adul t relationship, respect, control of the learning experience, encouragement of cooperative and cohesive attitudes within the set, trust, confidence over ones own self and the cycle of learning towards its reflection. In groups people begin to value others opinions, suggestions are made about processes, methodologies and sources. Serrat, O. [ 1 ]  (2008) explains the process of action learning generates discipline to work within action learning steps which helps the individual to develop its personality traits. In action learning process he describes individual’s personal development, challenges, self confidence, help people to communicate more effectively, build leadership competences and organizations really feel the benefits of the outcomes of action learning. Henderson, I. (1993) describes action learning as a link in management development He describes action learning as a main link in management, that without it effective development of the management cannot be pos sible. He described the phenomena that every job required specific demand, and these demands are fulfilled only when the person know the essential features of management work. This can be done through parasitizing in action learning. Esons, S. and Kramer, R. (2007) describes the process that how the knowledge gained by action learning is used to develop leaders.He describes the processes through which action learners learn the abilities of a leadership behavior. He further describes the problems of transferring the knowledge in action learning which a major hindrance in leadership development. That includes the process of unlearning person’s previous norms and believes etc Roberts, C. (2009) defines the leadership levels as an action learning approach. Author explained that leadership is developed through mutual respect, trust, social awareness, and personal skills that are well gained by action learning. Like these all are traits of personality which a person learns through the process of action learning which makes him a leader. Rapid I [ 2 ]  (2010) describe the importance of action learning in leadership development. He emphasizes that for leadership development it is important for the individual to have the capability to put learning into action. Jay a conger and Ginka Toegel (2001) also describe action learning as a pathway to leadership development. According to the authors action learning develops those skills in a person which develops a pathway to the leadership behavior.
Friday, September 27, 2019
People, Organisations and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
People, Organisations and Leadership - Essay Example These can be explained by looking at the reasons the employees who left the organisation gave for leaving and then analyzing them using popular human motivation theories. The following literature looks at the reasons which the employees gave for leaving and the analysis. Managers who left indicated he following factors as contributing to their need to leave; Isolation As for the junior line managers, one of the main reasons that they gave for leaving was that they felt isolated and that they were not being involved in policy development. Two things arise from this. One of them is the fact that the executive managers failed to involve and consult the junior managers in the development of policies. It is an essential practice to always involve everyone in the organisation in any policy and strategy development process. Failing to do that will only lead to the employees feeling that they were left out in the process and this can increase the possibility of resistance to the strategies d eveloped (Hubbard, Taylor, and Pocknee 1996). At the same time, failing to involve the employees in development of policy and strategy development will only mean that the employees will most likely not agree with the changes (Turner and Crawford 1998). There is no new policy that does not involve a shift of the way the firm is operated. People generally do not like change. People do not trust change processes because they are never sure of how the process will affect their lives and work (Helen 2005). In this regard, people are built to naturally refuse and resist change. This could be the reason why the changes introduced did not work. The other reissue with failing to involve the line managers in the process is that the managers may have felt overlooked. According to Maslow’s law, people’s needs change as their lives progress. In this example for instance, the needs of an employee are not like those of a line manager. A line manager, apart from having a good job and a good pay, would like to have job satisfaction (Cooper, Funnell, and Lee 2002). This job satisfaction comes from knowing that he is respected and recognised by the senior management (Bangs and Schaper 2003). When this recognition is denied him by the senior management when management fails to consult him or her, they may have a feeling that they have not been not respected, and that thus have reduced job satisfaction. At the same time, recognition by the senior management is more likely to offer the manager a way to grow and advance in the workplace. Lack of respect from the juniors The junior line managers who left also talked about the fact that they did not feel respected by the employees they were managing. This can be a particularly big source of job dissatisfaction regardless of how much the managers were earning. Money is not the only satisfaction source in a job because there are other very complex issues affecting satisfaction and motivation (Grenway 2008). This issue is p robably connected with the above issue of isolation. The lack of respect from the subordinates could be because they know that their managers do not have the full backing of the senior management. According to the policy developed, line managers were supposed to have a closer monitoring of the employees in order to increase production. This may have increase worker dissatisfaction because as Turner and Crawford 1998 say, people do not like to be monitored
Thursday, September 26, 2019
A visual aid that illustrates a problem Research Paper
A visual aid that illustrates a problem - Research Paper Example The nature of task is given like booking musicians, choosing venue, promotional activities and ticket booking. The data gives information about the group names and task names. For example, the group name is book musicians while task name is given underneath it. These images makes is to easy to understand the task. The data in the chart are name of thetas, the person performing them and the dates on which they are being done. The name of the task is seen on the task bars and we can see that there are colours on the graphs which mean that is doing it .And the data regarding the date can be seen on the upper portion of the chart in columns. The significance of the chart is that it gives a detail about the tasks and structure about its performance. The tasks can be linked and they can be monitored to understand the progression. The chart defines the actions setting and gives information on the start date and end date and the mode of scheduling. In this way the project completes at an earlier date or on the correct time. The tasks can be edited or ended as and when required. Here we can see many resources and possibilities on specific times. The dependencies of the task can be analysed from the chart. One can calculate the dates and re – calculate it depending on the time and hence time gain can be accomplished. Here the tasks can be completed in a well defined manner and can relate to each other. As and when the bookings are done on the musicians then other affairs can be done. Like the venue setting, promotions and ticket arrangements. Even if any booking is cancelled things can be changed with less difficulty due to the co – ordination of tasking with the help of chart. So here the first task can be finished first and rest in order. There is a clear visual representation of the tasks to be performed which makes things more comprehensible. Girt chart is not a perfect tool for projects as it has its own limitations
Theories and Techniques of Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theories and Techniques of Coaching - Essay Example The coach was an active and vociferous person who had a strong voice. His overall style of coaching appeared to be a domineering style in which he expected total compliance with his instructions leaving no ground to implement any suggestions from the participating players or managers that stood y the sidelines. On many occasions during the practice session the coach overruled placement of at least three players away from positions where they were apparently not performing well. The coach also appeared to have a control philosophy in that he had extra cordial interactions with a few players -two of these were the players that he insisted on retaining in fixed positions through out the practice session. It was also clear that the coach was brusque with few other players-these were particularly those that were in the university team as reserve players. In addition the coach was ignoring another set of players with only few of his instructions being addressed to them. This exception phil osophy was, strangely, not related to performance as most players that appeared close to him were not performing exceptionally-as yet the coach did not make specific and sufficient attempts to spur such players on. On the contrary the better players appeared to experience and feel the discrimination and in the matter of proper positioning they expressed often their exasperation at achieving no ground with the coach. These players were positioned invariably for long runs that costed them stamina and energy. This was an example of unclean play. This discrimination was apparently eating both ways into the morale and motivation of the divided team. Favorite players appeared to have turned complacent whereas the better performing players appeared frustrated by the discrimination. This discrimination was not only unethical but also an ineffective way of controlling the team towards learning objectives and performance. There was an intense feeling of having ended a routine session of game practice after the session was called off; encourse the session several passes and tackles-particularly from the favorite players-remained uncorrected. In a tell tale reflection of the divisionary practices of the coach ,at the end of practice session, the three groups of players departed three ways.-with the reserve players hurrying outside ,the better performing but slighted players going with the managers and the favorite players accompanying the coach to locker area where apparently they had an impromptu close group celebration. The same team was witnessed again in the major game they ha a few days later. It was almost a replication of the practice session with the team playing in three groups. The coach gave short running positions to his favorites and long running positions to better players-who were good at shots and shooting. The coach gave full exposures to his favorites ad the entire set of such players were retained through out the match ;whereas better players were chang ed with reserves to the maximum allowable extent. The overall morale and motivation of the team appeared very low and the team lost 6-2.The two goals were also scored by better players who were extra to do the jobs of favorite players who were not found in position. Discrimination and groupism cannot help
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The challenges of increasing diversity in schools today Essay
The challenges of increasing diversity in schools today - Essay Example In Canada, for instance, schools continue to face significant challenges in accepting diversity. Usual is the recognition of the holidays or foods or costumes of different cultures, however, those are only superficial as compared to understanding difficult issues around accommodating so many diverse beliefs and customs. On top of this, schools struggle to accommodate students whose first language is not English or French, or other similar needs because they lack the specialized capacity to provide for them (Levin, 2008). In the US, upon entering elementary school, large numbers of limited-English-proficient and bilingual students are placed in programs that assume relatively low levels of achievement and focus on remedial education (Independent Commission on Chapter 1, 1992; Stanford Working Group, 1993; U.S. Department of Education, 1993). Such inequities in different children’s expectations for school success may be a grave affront to equal opportunities that Americans highly value and take pride in. Thus, it threatens the future well-being of the society relying on the harmonious coexistence of multiple cultures. Government, as well as non-government organizations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the National Association for Family Day Care are exerting efforts in promoting multi-cultural education through the publication of curricula and handbooks focusing on an anti-bias setting. Likewise, the National Association of State Boards of Education Task Force on Early Childhood Education encourages the use of children’s home language and culture to foster the development of basic skills. Such efforts seek to ensure that children’s first school experiences are positive in that they feel accepted for who they are regardless of their cultural background. The controversies surrounding the growing diversity in
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Focus Plastics Plc - Producer of Moulded Plastic Essay
Focus Plastics Plc - Producer of Moulded Plastic - Essay Example The household items under the brand name ‘focus’ remain almost stagnate i.e. in 1993 it was worth 6056,000 pounds and in 2005 it remains at 6533,000 pounds. But the new product range under brand name ‘concept’ comprising storage years, mixing bowls, strainers, salad bowls, towel holders and other kitchen items, sales have grown from 3411000 pounds in 1997 to 16210,000pound in 2005. In 2005, the company started a new product range with brand name ‘concept office’ comprising filing trays, storage boxes and a range of desk items. This latest and new range of products proved very successful in the very first year of its launch and contributed 1320,000 pounds in sales. The company has divested itself completely from its industrials customers. The company has inculcated a reputation for household products for its quality in the minds of the consumers’. It has used latest technologies and trained manpower but being in an industry, where entry ba rriers are low, it faces on the inherent threat from smaller manufacturers on the pricing front. The company has planed its manufacturing facilities with a process-based layout and having all sorts of injection - molding machines of various ages from latest Robotic devices to operate manually. At the planning level, scheduling all the machines and maintaining inventory levels as well as utilization of equipment, output rates &scrap rates has to be monitored by the planning manager. In this particular area, the company is facing the problem company is also inclined to develop new and innovative products regularly because of the market requirements. Needs and preferences of customers are changing fast and the company has to cope up the changing need of its customers. So the company is always trying to develop newer products but in the process faces some problems in developing products continuously and timely.Now company is facing a new dilemma that whether it may continue with its pro duct range under brand name ‘Focus’ or to emphasize on the other product ranges namely under brand name ‘concept’ & ‘concept office’ in this situation company has to evaluate its production and operations capacities and to find out the right kind of strategies for production, warehousing and distribution.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Summary and Response Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary and Response - Coursework Example Reflecting mainly on Egypt and Tunisia, O’Donnell shows how Howard’s study indicated that social media formed online networks that organized core groups of activists to advocate for political reforms; she reports specific ways in which Howard’s study shows the opposition groups used social media to influence political debates. First, she argues that Twitter enabled people to engage in instantaneous conversations, especially during the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The discussions on Twitter crossed borders, and influenced the neighboring nations to converse about the political affairs in Tunisia and Egypt. As a second point, she quotes the findings that point out videos protests communicated the events of the Arab uprising to the rest of the world. Not only were the video protests important inside Egypt and Tunisia, but also Howard’s findings show the rest of the globe depended on them for updates on the uprising. For instance, twenty-thre e videos attracted 5.5 million views. In addition to Twitter and video protests, the instant Facebook messages and blogs inspired the revolution in Arab countries, and the attempts of the government to stop social media conversations resulted in strong activism. The opposition groups utilized blogs and Facebook to pass the information about the need for political change to many audiences. In sum, O’Donnell reports how Howard’s findings associate the social media with the Arab uprising. O’Donnell strongly contends that the social media, especially Twitter was instrumental in facilitating communication that led to the Arab uprising. She firmly quotes Howard who indicated, â€Å"During the week before Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s resignation, for example, the total rate of tweets from Egypt-and around the world-about political change in that country ballooned from 2,300 a day to
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Cosmetic surgery cons and pros Essay Example for Free
Cosmetic surgery cons and pros Essay With the development of technology and medical systems, changing one’s appearance is something which is very normal. People chose to go under some kind of cosmetic surgeries have different reasons, but cosmetic surgery do really change some people to a better life. We are surrounded by advertisements, movies, magazines which usually have pictures of stunning models. The media and those kind of ads establish standard of beauty in their audiences’ mind. It is a nightmare for people who are not lucky enough to possess perfect features. It somehow lowers people self-esteem when they look up to those models as a references of beauty standard. However, thanks to the development of technology and plastic surgery, those kind of nightmare can be fixed. With plastic surgery, almost everything on one’s body can be adjusted. When people get closer to their personal standard, they will feel more confident. Plastic surgery helps raising their self-esteem. Some reach out to cosmetic surgery to improve their appearances. People have more choices than ever from a quick fix to major procedures to improve their body images. Aging is usually major problem. Every one of us has to face that when we get to some points. Laser skin treatments, Botox injections, Filler injections†¦are life savers for people who want to reverse the aging process. It is not hard to find people at their 40’s 50’s who look much younger than their ages. Cosmetic surgery can improve almost everything. If you want small face, high nose, big eyes, big boobs, small waist, perfect flawless skin†¦plastic surgeons can give them all to you. Plastic surgery is magic in transforming appearance, however it also has some disadvantages. I was terrified when I watched a Korean beauty contest which was not long ago. The audiences might have a really hard time distinguish between the contestants, because they look almost the same. All of them have perfect features such as big eyes, high and small noses, small face†¦ It should be called â€Å"plastic surgeons contest†, but they are all pretty though. People lose their personal identities when they get dramatic changes on their faces. On a larger scale, people lose their ethnical identities. For example, there is a trend in Asian countries that people want to westernize their look. Double eye-lid surgeries or nose surgeries are most common procedures. Michael Jackson is also a great example for this issue. He tried to transform from a black to a white person, and the result was which we already knew. People may get addicted to plastic surgery too. Hang Mioku from South Korea is a case which people should look at before they consider about plastic surgery. She was a pretty women with natural beauty. Unluckily, she got addicted to cosmetic surgery, even surgeons refused to get jobs done on her. She injected silicon on her face herself, and worse than that, she injected oil in to her body. The result might terrified any person who ever think about get some jobs done on their bodies.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Lobbying In Tourism Tourism Essay
The Lobbying In Tourism Tourism Essay In all big business making projects there have always been rigging and bonds. It the past it used to be called bribery and now days, due to its improved form and sophisticate way it is done, it is said to be lobbying. Who are the lobbyists in tourism? How can they advantage from favouring certain group of people and certain destinations? Is it the matter of well done lobbying the promotion of a certain destination? Lobbying and marketing how are these actually connected? Is it up to the lobbyists that some good values have lost their importance? To what extent have the Internet and mass media influenced the style and awareness formation of the certain destination and is it also a kind of lobbying? To what extent is lobbying good for some people, destinations and projects and what is the role of the civil sector in such processes? These are just some of questions necessary to be resolved in order to get acquitted with the occurrence more and more present in modern travel industry. I t is all about huge amounts of money and because of this tourism will become (even more) interesting to the lobbyists. Very often people wonder how it could be that certain projects are completed on time and how only the certain group of people takes a part in these? Many of these people were not supposed to deal with such projects, many of these companies did not have the best offer; yet they managed to participate in the projects. How it is possible for an individual to make just a few steps and suddenly to become an important participant? Lobbying is one of the best possible answers. It is well featured in business where it is everything about the large sum of money as well as where the great national and social interest is concerned. Who the lobbyists are- in some cases it is known who they are, while in some others they are like some secret societies, pretty mysterious. It is the second half of the twentieth century when lobbying in tourism started to bloom. It was the moment when the mass tourism flourished along with the great number of receptive objects built and numerous tourism fairs held-a ll these were/are a fantastic medium for the lobbyists to expand their influence. Many high school and college principals as well as hotel/motel and tourist organisation managers are also involved in the process of lobbying- there are interests everywhere- not necessarily financial, why some things are done in such way and why certain people do these. The notion lobbying comes from the English word lobby which denotes the area that is just inside a large building, where people can meet and wait .In this space members of the British Parliament used to negotiate, make some arrangements and exchange the information. That is how the notion of lobbying was formed (to try to influence a politician or the government to do or not to do something). In both British and American system of government it is incorporated organization dealing with legislative processes in such way as to represent industrial .and other interests [1] . In case of tourism, the usual lobbyists are the governments of some countries as well as those who want something to be done as they like it and in order to gain some profit. Very often ordinary people are not acquainted with this, due to well skilled professionals. Supremacy and domination are important parts in all spheres of life and lobbying as such is fine means to achieve this. 1. LOBBYING IN SERBIA In Serbia, lobbying will no longer be operated in a secret way and away from the public eye; on the contrary, it will be an occupation in which franchised professionals will be involved. In July, 2009, there was the proposition of The Lobbying Law created, so that lobbying could become an occupation as any other. According to this law, there will be unique Professional Lobbyist Register Office to deal with the rules of lobbying and to control those who operate opposite the way it is predicted. In such Bill it is said that lobbying is the way for the interested party to achieve impact on some participants in both judicial power and legislation, so as such regulations co no harm on the interested parties or they can benefit from them. The impact has to be explained in full details and at the same time truthful, useful and meaningful and at the same time it should do no harm on other participants by the time it is put into practice. Lobbying involves all the activities done with purpose to influence decision making within public authorities. The purpose of such law is to make lobbying process public and transparent, to make it available to be easily controlled by the executive and legislative authorities and prevent lobbying to act in the way opposite the legal regulations. (The draft of the Lobbying Law outline). In this law it is also mentioned that a lobbyist is a natural person or an entity and lobbying is an activity with purpose to achieve some influence on the processes within the executive and legislative authorities. It would be necessary for all those who want to do this job to have a licence, the written document, obtained from the Lobbyist Board. Furthermore, this law states who can be a lobbyist and even something more important-who are those having no rights to do such activity, and they are: officials, members of State Budget Agency, members of the official managing and supervising boards i.e. all those whose activity may cause conflict of interests . Lobbyist activity is available to the public according to the law, although certain pieces of information are confidential as to protect clients and their privacy. Up to the moment when the law is passed, lobbying is an activity done by the influential people who are amateurs only according to their education and can not get the licence; they are businessmen having chief influence on decision making and profit sharing. 2. LOBBYING AND TOURISM In case of tourism, lobbying can be considered to be any communications made by employees in the tourism industry, firstly with the potential clients as the way he checks his lobbying skills namely, if he is a good lobbyist, he can turn a potential client into the client and succeed in taking his Leisure time and money and provide certain services for him. The contact and the invisible services presentation to the client is one kind of lobbying as well as that involves certain skills. Zoran Ivanovic, a professor at the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hospitality in Opatija mentioned, at he Congress of the Hotel and Tourism Management, held in Opatija in 2008 that what matters is the essential skills and competences, rather than knowledge. This thought is actually a definition of well done lobbying. It is necessary to improve knowledge continuously and keep working on it. Those possessing a kind of passive knowledge can possibly be lost in a wide range of scientific knowledge. S kills and competencies are taught and and it is their ongoing practice and improvement that can lead to the results, no matter what activities we consider negotiations, lobbying, or when we simply want to leave a good impression. Competencies [2] and skills [3] and lobbying are essential for tourism. Tourism, defined as moving of people from their place of residence to another with a lot of money spent there, is actually an industry selling its services without to be checked previously. All these so called activities, being not previously checked must be sold and must be properly displayed in order to be purchased. It is claimed that one or even more tourist seasons largely depend on lobbyists it can be so due to the fact that the lobbyists are those who often create trends and images and they are exactly the ones who do the promotion trends actually depend on them, they are those who people believe in or vice versa. One of the most important skills of lobbyists and people working in tourism is the rhetoric. Is one of the seven antique, ancient skills and indicates the way communication is accomplished and the information transmitted. Unfortunately, students at the Faculties of Tourism in Serbia do not have a chance to acquaint with this, but it is essential for this profession. It is important for the lobbyists because they have to know how to state what they want to and how, by using the smallest possible numbers of words announce anything. It can be said that lobbying is an officially new skill in Serbia but it is sure that it used to exist in tourism and some other industries a long time ago and that lobbyist used to be well paid for the job done. So far lobbying in Serbia has been concerned to mean bribery and corruption, but in some other the EU countries management contracts and awards for the completed projects are not the news. It is exactly what Serbia attains to. To award someone means that you honour hisher work and merit for certain things. Lobbying can make some tourist destinations become staple, it can have to do with sustainable development, it can promote some an idea concerning tourism-all these depend on the one who orders lobbying services. When tourism is taken into consideration, each government should have lobbyists in some of the organizations such as: UNESCO, ICOM, ICOMOS, etc. It will be possible than to present natural beauties and projects related to their protection and those lobbyists should have task to convince the officials there that it is their project that it is most urgent and should be the first financed because it is unique, special and endangeredà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦all these activities have to do with rhetoric, good presentation and good impression the officials get. 3. LOBBYING AS THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY SEGMENT The concept of creative industry features the description of conceptual and practical merging of creative arts (individual talent) along with cultural industries (mass) and altogether in the context of Informational and Communication Technology that is a part of new economic knowledge that newly created interactive users-consumers can partake. (Hartley, John ed. 2007:11) It can not be a priori claimed that lobbying is a creative industry segment, but the definition part stating that creative industries directly imply to creative arts merging -out of this it can be concluded that an individual talent can be related to lobbying. One of the greatest talents is rhetoric, previously mentioned but the talent also involves personal image, the communication manners, dress code, style and all the things that have to do with a certain task and is considered to be proper professional and ethic conduct of a lobbyist himself. One thing is certain when we talk about lobbyists and it is the way they look like and how he wants to achieve his goals. In tourism, it is of core importance the contacts with people not being so well positioned and whose satisfaction dictates the tourist destination and product rating on the market these people are outgoing and sales managers who according to their impressions transmit the messages to their employees and to the consumers as well. We can consider that lobbying as an activity can be done at a certain tourist destination and lobbyists would be the tourist guides and reception staff. It is the ability to animate the guests one of the most important in tourism and at the same time can be perceived as lobbying. Well performed and high quality tourist animation can produce satisfied consumers who will by word of mouth communication become the best sales managers for a given destination or a tourist product. In tourism, lobbying lasts much longer than a tourist arrangement itself-it starts from the moment when a potential customer steps into a travel agents, tries to decide on the destination product [4] , stays at the certain destination and finally shares his feedback, very important for the tourist agents itself. Even negative feedback is important, because a good manager is at the same time a good lobbyist and he will do anything to turn such negative experiences into something positive and will not let them have any publicity. Creativity that can be found in lobbying is widely defined and what matters is the level on which lobbying is done. When we talk about tourist agents and hotels lobbying can be done by animators and so it will not be necessary for them to have a classic lobbying licence for them it is necessary to possess talent and ability in order to make the tourists buy something, go on excursions organized by the certain local agent. On larger scales of states, huge markets and destinations it is not only necessary for a lobbyist to have a licence but to have knowledge concerning tourist legality as well.In this case it is essential for a lobyst to be good at rhetoric and to be well informed and to be in possession of exact items of information. At the same time there is no need for animation and if it happens to ocur it should be done in a descrete manner. 4. LOBBYING OR HOW TO PUT IT IN PRACTICE? It is not easy to be a lobbyist in societies which are xenophobic and used to have totalitarian regime. The idea of democracy is pretty new in the former Yugoslavia area of and it can not be understood that the representation of other peoples interests, negotiation and urging do not equal bribery and corruption. That is why it is important that professionals introduce and put lobbying into practice in order that audience gets impression that they are businessmen like any others. In Serbia, one of the obstacles is that there is no lobbying as a subject at the faculties. At VERN University in Croatia, students at the economic enterprise department have a chance to choose The Introduction to Lobbying as the optional subject. In further course description it is explained that in democratic systems it is not unusual activity for somebody to practice lobbying-on the contrary, it is legitimate means to achieve certain goals and represent the interests. Various legal acts regulate lobbying, and lobbyists have to be incorporated and have to respect the rules and some codes. Lobbyists are those representatives of big companies and business sector, national and local governments, as many other representatives of non-government sector and other interest groups. Due to the fact that lobbying is closely tied with political system, legislation, media and international level, it is the multidisciplinary approach that will be applied on problem solving in this course. The In troduction to Lobbying staff wants to stress the importance of this concept and its practicing in modern political, social and economic life. Even what is more important that we want the student to acquire skills and abilities which will enable him to develop business possibilities. It is this course that will help you to find some answers for the following questions: how to get to the right information and what to do in order to accomplish and protect ones goals? The students are expected to imagine life situations and by applying what they have learned try to find the best, or the least harmful possible solutions. ( Out of this description it can be concluded that lobbying is necessary and at the same time permeates all spheres of industry. As for someone to become a lobbyist in tourism industry, he/she has to master knowledge from tourism and be well versed in non-verbal communication. This non-verbal communication is necessary linked with animation and especially in case of tourism. Lobbying is also tightly linked with animation and non verbal communication especially in some tourism spheres. The development of business tourism is one of the important aspects not only in our country,but the worldwide, too. Business clients are educated pepole who travel round the world visiting different fairs, conferences, symposiums business meetings and many other business activities and protocols so it is of core imprtance what impression he/she will get of the host country. The business clients are said to represent the country to possible tourists in best way. According to the latest research conducted by SITE (Society of Incentive and Travel Executives), 76 % of American executive directors claim that business fairs and professional congresses are the main reasons for them to travel,and even 80% of the worlds top managers claim that these events are the most imporatant sources of the information they need and possibilities to make new business contracts. In what way it is important for tourism in a country is best shown on the example of the English town Birmingham, which would have still been an average, industrial town, if there had not been the congress tourism developed.It is the congress tourism that makes profit of approximately à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤711 million to this town. Congress presentation has to include all the economic and non-economic services in order to satisfy the needs of the guests here.Such tourist presentation should include tourist attractions, natural beauties, climate,hospitality and cultural heritige. The fact that should be take into consideration is that congres tourist spend even three times greater sum of money than so called average tourists. (Year book of International Organization, 1980). In order to satisfy business clients needs the experiences of some more developed countries should be taken into consideration and some latest trends put into practice.These include some motivating or incentive trips which are specially created for the businessman when they are on business trips. These short, but intensive tours are organized for small number of people and according to their wishes and interests expressed in the questionnaire they had previously filled in and the tours are organized at the most popular locations and include extreme sports adventures and unique parties. It should so if it is well know fact that incentive business contracts worldwide are worth about billion $. Such animation of business people is very demanding and not easy at all, because through the short period of time one should make satisfy the needs of already tired guests and then to make them satisfied. It can be very demanding and useful at the same time for the tourist propaganda, and maybe one of the most useful way of animation because all these people are well educated and experienced, since they have visited so many countries, and at the moment when they rate the host country well, it means that they will share these positive experiences with people in their home countries and in such way they can become the best possible presenters of the county they stayed in. (Ivkov DÃ…Â ¾igurski AnÄ‘elija, 2008) Only these sorts of business trips and such clients can imply to what extent animation is linked with lobbying. Well versed animator is a good lobbyist at the same time knowing how to impose his rhythm and where to take his business clients as they can have a good time. It is up to him and his ability to what extent the clients would be satisfied and be ready to follow him. At the same time, it is his responsibility what feedback the host country would have when the client gets back home. It is no wonder that good animation and lobbying as well can make up for the possible failures. When the business clients are mentioned it is very important that the host county knows what it wants and that it can be accomplished by animators lobbyists. The quality of the product is of core importance, then services and the ideas, but what are crucial are the lobbyists experience and his/her non verbal communication. INSTEAD OF CONCLUSION No matter what is going to happen in the future people would always like to travel as they did so from the beginning of the world. Some time in the past migrations used to move towards wealthier spots and because of the search for food. The times when tourism was available only for the aristocracy had passed a long time ago. The era of mass tourism is also vanishing. The highlights of the present moment are city break tours and tours having enriched thematic content along with various cultural itineraries. People used to travel where the masses went, but nowadays people travel where their friends recommend, they gather some information on different social forumsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Actually, the forums are the best places to lobby for something it is possible to have someone there in order to opt for a tourist destination. The Internet plays an important part in tourism and in its marketing as well and it can be said that the Internet is an integral part of lobbying, too. The Internet preserves the magic and mystique of the lobbying activity, since you do not know who the lobbyist is but no matter you get involved and up to the extent of his skills you believe him or not. That is how you become a potential customer of his invisible services. The lobbyist is a successful one if he manages to draw your attention and make you not leave the forum, if he provokes you to ask him farther questions which are a good signal for him that he made you think unconsciously about the tourist product. It i s a huge success for the lobbyist himself because the forum user will start to spread the story about the good forum and in this way to make a potential destination become a part of tourist propaganda-it is much easier to sell a product or a service when the name is familiar to the potential customers. It is necessary to answer the following questions: who who with with what why how who to what for who for the lobbying is done? After answering all these questions it would be much easier to train a lobbyist and then he/she would how exactly how to act in order to achieve some goals. Machiavelli once said that The goal justifies the means but ethic code should be obeyed as well. Lobbyists should obey their own ethic code and the one in tourism, so in case of tourism it can not be said that all the goals and aims in the process of lobbying for the certain destination or a tourist product. It is necessary to bear in mind, who is lobbying and whom he is representing and what will be long term results. Lobbying is a process where the results can not be shown immediately, its effect can become visible in a period of couple of years. Continuous evaluation is necessary both for the lobbyists and tourist destinations, as well. It is necessary to evaluate the results-they actually show what a lobbyist team has managed to do. Team work is the best possible one even in lobbying industry and it does not mean that that t wo or more people should act simultaneously, but it means that their actions should be coordinated and not to be futile. Lobbying is a sign of the extent to which a society is democratic and civil sector developed. The region of the Western Balkans is still immature in that sense and along with its evolution the lobbying activities will start to develop and the concept of lobbying will become familiar to them. The lobbyists task is a promotion and that is why it can not be a priori said that everything is about money it is very important segment in fact, but its effects can influence economic development of some countries, civil sectors and eventually the promotion of some products and services. Apart from all this, money is important because it can make the society consolidate and influence well balanced financial distribution within all social scales. It is tourism that can help the society and the country to develop and good lobbying can make huge amounts of money to reach the country and later be invested in sustainable development, the promotion of tourism as a very important tertiary sector, you ng peoples grantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Lobbying makes it possible: For the Institutions to be easily recognized on the international market and especially among the partners that have already been selected to be within significant institutions in the realm of tourism in Europe and worldwide, To follow the world trends in tourism and make it possible for the activities to be promoted, The creation of the international partnership system of the professional associations, Necessary support in the process of association in the institutrional network organisation which have the similar goals and in that way to promote the product. Lobbying and tourism are closely connected. It is the fact. Maybe it is not said in public. Maybe people have not realized this too seriously so far, but in the years to come their relationship should been taken into more serious consideration. Lobbyists have to do their job, and along with the fact that tourism is becoming a leading industry in the world the lobbying will become more and more present. The students of tourism should bear in mind that they can the lobbying as their profession although some of them, being members of various student organizations, have already been acquainted with this, though on amateur level.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
european post :: essays research papers
THE EUROPEAN POST Â Â Â Â Â Islam In Europe Pg188 Â Â Â Â Â Islam the religion that the Franks and the other Germanic people brought to Europe. It started in the west of Europe. The powerful force began spreading through the middle east and the Mediterranean world.Islam came from Arabiain 632. People that believe in Islam are called muslims. The Christians in Europe began to worry because the muslim army began to win victories in the mediterranean world. They overran Christian kingdoms in North Africa and Spain.Franish warriors led by Charles Martel defeated a Muslim army.This defeat and others made the muslims go back to Spain. How do you become a Knight?Pg192 Â Â Â Â Â To become a knight at the age of seven, you are sent to the castle of your father's lord. Here you learn to ride and fight from a horse and from the ground.You learn how to keep their armor and weapons in respectable condition.The training to become a kinght was very difficult and strict discipline was given if lazy. Â Â Â Â Â You would finishing training around the age of 21.There would be a ceremony to induct you in as a kinght. Now you would be ready to become a knight.As a knight you would go off to fight battles if there was any going on.If there was no fighting you would partcipate in tournments. Lords may invited you to these tournments with other knight from your area to see your fighting skill. The Benedict Rule pg 197 Â Â Â Â Â Benedict was monk who founded the monastery of Monte Cassino in Italy about 530 A.D.. He set up rules to regulate life at the monasteries. These rules became, the Benedict Rule and has spread to monasteries and converts across Europe. Â Â Â Â Â Under the rule of Benedict monks and nuns took an oath of poverty.They also took vows of chasity or purity of obedience to the abbot. Thier chief duties were prayer and worship of God. The Agricultural Revolution Pg 201 The Agricultural Revolution of Europe began by the 1000's.
Essay --
One could debate endlessly over the definition and what exactly Jihad is, I’m certain many have. The very basic definition of the word simply means â€Å"struggle,†not to gain money or power but merely to bring people to Islam. The common western idea - or misconception - is that Jihad is a holy war or justification for terrorism. Very rarely are there any two religious groups that will agree on the exact deeper meanings of Jihad. There are also some groups that may believe the same basic definition of Jihad, but interpret it or apply it drastically differently within their own religion. There are two better known or accepted definitions of which Muslims refer to as the â€Å"greater Jihad,†and the â€Å"lesser Jihad.†â€Å"Greater Jihad†is defined as the internal spiritual struggle of one’s self in submission to Allah, the struggle of moral reformation, and converting others to Islam; while the â€Å"lesser Jihad†is considered the external, physical endeavor of an Islamic obligation to take up arms against the nonbeliever infidels in defense of the faith against tyranny and persecution. In the Sunni’s historical belief of the â€Å"greater Jihad,†Mohammed is thought to have told his followers returning home from war that they had, â€Å"returned from the lesser jihad of struggle against non-Muslims to a greater jihad of struggle against lust,†per Menhab Khans’ article on Modern Gangha. This is believed to be the first time the â€Å"lesser jihad†and the "greater jihad" had been differentiated. According to John Heit, the â€Å"greater jihad†is also then further divided into three types of internal struggle: â€Å"One, Jihad of the Heart (the struggle for moral reformation and faith); two, Jihad of the Tongue (the struggle to proclaim God's word abroad; right ... ...hese young men found solace and inspiration in the works of the Iraqi Muslim Brother Muhammad Ahmad al-Rashid; who demonstrated a sensible mind toward political action, but also stated that jihad with the sword- the way of the true Muslim-was inevitable. Putting things into perspective, I imagined what it would be like if America was invaded by foreign forces, the government demolished, a new leadership established, and none of which agreed with my way of life. I would honestly be able to say that I would follow similar actions as the Sunni insurgents. I recently watched the modern cinematic remake â€Å"Red Dawn†where the (in the new version) North Koreans invade and effectively take over the United States, this assisted in my imagination. I would have taken up arms the same as the characters in the movie. My enemies would hear my hoarse battle cry, â€Å"WOLVERINES!â€
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Essay -- Crib Death SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Many questions about the causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as â€Å"crib death,†are still unresolved. The mysterious and elusive nature of SIDS creates problems, doubts, and more questions. This paper will present some of the most commonly asked questions as well as the answers that have been uncovered by scientists after years of research and study. In 1969, researchers agreed to define SIDS as â€Å"the sudden death of an infant or young child, which is unexpected by history, and in which a thorough postmortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause of death†(Bergman, 1970). What Causes SIDS? The cause or causes of SIDS are still unknown. Most researchers now believe that babies who die of SIDS are born with one or more conditions that make them vulnerable to both internal and external stresses that occur in the normal life of an infant. Most deaths from SIDS occur by the end of the sixth month with the greatest number taking place between two and four months of age. A SIDS death occurs quickly and is often associated with sleep, with no signs of suffering. More deaths are reported in the winter months and most victims are boys, with a sixty-to-forty percent male-to-female ratio. How Many Babies Die from SIDS?      From year to year, the number of SIDS deaths tends to remain constant despite fluctuations in the overall number of infant deaths. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) report...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Love Relationship Among Student Essay
This research study examines the relationship between academic achievement and at-risk students. Many issues today affect the achievement gap and the ability for at-risk students to succeed. Most data, as revealed in the studies included in this review, conclude the factors identifying at-risk students do have significant impact on the academic achievement of individual students and schools. Most often, these students are not successful and eventually drop out of school or pursue a GED. Data indicate that teacher-student relationships, parent or caregiverstudent relationships, motivation, SES, and peer influence can affect success for at- risk students. Twelfth grade students from two high schools in an urban school district were given the opportunity to participate in a survey. This study investigates correlations between the dependent variable grade point average (GPA), and the independent variables teacher-student relationships, parent or caregiver-student relationships, motivation, SES, and peer influence. Five regressions were run to determine if any of the independent variables predict GPA. Data from this study indicate that the variance between the dependent variable of GPA and each of the five independent variables is significant; however the practicality of these results’ having a significant influence on the GPA of the study participants is minimal. The strongest variance found was between GPA and motivation and between GPA and peer influence. Other findings include a relationship between GPA and participation in sports or activities. As GPA increases, the percentage of students participating in sports and activities increased. The students in this study do have positive relationships with their teachers; have a parent or caregiver encouraging them to do well in school; and plan to attend college.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Effects of Globalization on the Environment Essay
Globalization has had a huge impact on the world in a number of ways. It has increased the integration of countries’ individual economies, the rise in the world trade and multinational companies, and the effect of large amounts of money moving in and out of economies throughout the world. People around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow more quickly than ever before. In addition goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel and communication in now more frequent and has become commonplace throughout the world. It can not be denied that globalization has had an overwhelming positive influence. Millions of jobs have been opened up through the ever increasing productivity and efficiency of the global economy. Globalization for less developed countries has encouraged faster growth, in turn promoting poverty reduction, democratization and higher labor and environmental standards. It also gives citizens greater individual freedom to express views and experience cultures through such mediums as television and the internet, which encourage understanding around the world. This fairly new glorified issue has had a great impact on the global environment in addition to all other aspects of the world that it has affected. One of the greatest examples that come to mind is the endless support of the tsunamis victims. Without globalization the world could not have contributed to the extent of what we have. Relentless support has been granted to the victims of this tragic event in record time. Globalization has made this possible through the increase in technology and communication. Citizens of the world now have the ability to contribute time, money and supplies to countries that would otherwise be stranded or left hanging for a period of time. Our valiant efforts have put this epic event at an all time support relief. We are now able to send support in all forms more conveniently. Without the effects of globalization this event that has occurred would have been much more devastating. The world can thank globalization for this never ending support. In addition to the tsunamis relief support granted through globalization, it has affected the environment in other ways as well. It has greatly increased the environmental standards worldwide. Through the development of the internet many environmental agencies have evolved which have increased the protection of the environment. The internet has made them more effective and they are now able to communicate much easier than ever before. Through the development of environmental supports some beneficial factors have evolved such as new up to date emissions standards. This greatly reduces the worldwide threat of global warming. By agencies effectively implementing such standards our world has become safer and healthier. These efforts are now on a continuum which only leaves our world to improvement. Globalization is the reason for this and without it our world would be at risk of inevitable destruction. Through the efforts of environmental agencies we as a world are now aware and informed of the dangers of what used to be every day practices. We can thank the rise of globalization for our continuing efforts for world wide environmental improvement.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Lighthouse of Alexandria
The upper platform at night burning a fire fed with wood and resin. Legend has it that Stratton sought for a long time for the foundation, a material that resists salt water, and finally built the tower of giant blocks of glass. In 1373 an earthquake destroyed the remains of the tower. Its ruins have been searched in vain. (Dunn). Illustrious memory of that great era was for many centuries, the famous lighthouse of Alexandria. Sailing near the coast, on foggy days and at night, made necessary the placement of large permanent fixtures In certain ports and cables on the Mediterranean coast.At the time the deal Is for Just one of the most Important works of the ancients, considered In those days as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I mean the great lighthouse of Alexandria. It seems that this name should be the beacon of the small island where they raised at the entrance of the harbor, and later served to name the sites and devices that have since been constructed for the same purp ose. Plink and other ancient authors describe the magnificent building which was built northwest of the island of Pharaohs, during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphia, n the years 285 to 247 SC.Its builder was Stratton of Census, son of DimÓ ¶crates, who, in turn, had been an architect of Alexander. (Ministry of culture). On a large block of glass is not attacked by the sea â€Å", there stood a white marble tower, divided into smaller and smaller bodies to reach the 160 meters [Dries speaks of 55 to 65 meters; others raise It to 183]. (Ashman). At the top was a large brazier, 11th day and night, with a kind of lens-shaped mirror, which was put before the call to send light rays to greater distance.In the basement of the great work you read the Inscription: Stratton of Census, son of DimÓ ¶crates, the saviors, for those who sail the sea. The Arabs continued to use the famous lighthouse after conquering Egypt in the ninth century of our era. An emperor of Constantinople, t o hinder the navigation of those, decided to destroy it, but, lacking the strength to oppose against the caliph, owner of the country, went to the craft. He sent an emissary to the powerful AY-Wald, with the slogan of thinking it was a great treasure at the base of the very high tower.The caliph ordered its demolition, until, warned, perhaps, misleading, destructive work was suspended when she had done for the most part. An earthquake happened in 1375 consummated the destruction of the wonderful work due to Stratton of Unkind. (A. CalmNZ-Land). As If sensing that something was coming to an end, Alexandria kept the world's largest library, a library that tried to preserve â€Å"that was his ambition, all human knowledge. Next to It and above It stood the lighthouse. Next to the lighthouse were the markets and docks and warehouses.Alongside them, the tomb AT Alexander, rater ten palaces AT Kilns Ana queens slang, ten world's TLS synagogues, temples of the esoteric sects, the accounti ng of the merchants, brothels and shops, perfect palaces bleached the richest citizens and then rows of large churches, each with rowdy monks and bones of martyrs, and one of them with the relics of the San Marco's. And all this time, the big city, devouring ran as fast as a machine its daily course, and his career was much harder and much farther reaching Han many older cities.In his day, and if the day was very long, Alexandria was the most exciting place on earth. (Clement) Of all the cities that Alexander founded Alexandria in Egypt was the greatest of all (Whiten). As Caesar himself wrote (and Caesar fought and nearly died in Alexandria), Egypt was the door of the lighthouse beacon that soars and was the symbol of commerce and energy of the city, and also the symbol of the seizure order Alexandra urban planted throughout the ancient East. Noon and Elizabeth Roomer)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Globalization and Cultural Homogenization Essay
The rapid development of economic globalization and cultural globalization enhances cultural transaction between different countries. Even though in this process culture between different countries still has its own characteristic on the whole, the cultural homogenization has been presented in social life, especially in the media industry. This essay will discuss the definition of globalization and cultural homogenization, and the popularity of Hollywood movies in China, the phenomenon of convergence of TV programmers between different countries and Japanese anime elements in video games around the world will be given as examples to demonstrate the homogenization of media culture. Culture includes many aspects in people’s daily life such as the economic, politics, media. According to Appadurai (1990), â€Å"The key problem in the global interactions today is the tension between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogenization†. The cultural homogenization is the process that local cultures are changed or assimilated by the dominant outside culture (O’Connor, 2006). Globalization has its natural barriers like the differences in languages, geographical factors, religious and ethnics. These differences between countries could undermine the cultural homogenization. Take the political system as an example. Today there are different political system in different countries like the socialism in China and the capitalism in western counties like America and Australia. However the influence of globalization for the media cultural homogenization has been widely presented in people’s daily life. Under the background of globalization, the media culture makes the meaning of the globalization equal to the cultural homogenization. In the process of economic globalization, neoliberal ideology had spread. Neoliberalism advocates that business dominate the social affairs to make the national and international policies have a new order and the market can solve social problems by itself (McChesney, 2001). As a consequence, the power of political constraint on economic activities and global trade barrier has strongly weakened. It is good for the world famous media firms to expand their markets in different countries to extract profit. For instance, Hollywood occupied most of the world’s media market. It becomes a main medium by which people in different countries to understand American fashions, customs, scenery and the way of life (Hoynes & Croteau & Milan, 2011). According to Su (2010), between 1994-2007, China began to import 10 to 20 foreign films every year. Most of them were Hollywood movies. These Hollywood blockbusters caused unprecedented repercussion among the Chinese audience because these blockbusters could fit their aesthetic and entertaining need. At the end of 20th century, Hollywood films had occupied 70% of Chinese film market, but the nearly 100 films made in domestic just share 30% of the film market (Rosen 2002). With the rapid development of scientific technology, IMAX and 3D technology has been used in the film industry. The technologies further promote the Americanization in the world film field. The movies like Avatar and Titanic are examples of this. Hollywood movies created visual miracle and achieve large box-office profits one after another in China, even around the world. In order to have more market share, Chinese film producer also focus on importing American advanced film technology or the cooperating with the American film making companies. Recently year, China also has its own outstanding films like Tangshan Earthquake, but some Chinese audience felt it likes a Hollywood blockbuster because of American visual effect technology in the film. In the process of economical and cultural globalization, neoliberalism has been widely spread. The Hollywood has seized this opportunity and occupied large scale of world film market. So Americanization is a reflection of media cultural homogenization in the process of globalization. However, the media cultural homogenization not only in the Americanization of the film industry, but also appear in some TV programs. According to McChesney (2001), The rapid development of information technology further accelerates the process of globalization. It is easier for people to get media sources from different countries online for entertainment. From the page design to the organization of the content and the various functions of scheduling, the designing of many website have a high degree of consistency. People prefer to watch high clicking rate programs in Internet. National TV station also promotes to make the popular TV shows in order to improve the audience rating. In the process of TV program making, cultural and art workers’ copy or clone becomes a safe and efficient way in media. As a consequence, globalization makes media cultural homogenization a general form in media programs. For instance, the most influential media cultural phenomenon in 2012 is â€Å"The Voice†- a singing competition show began in the Netherlands to choose good singers from the public. Audiences were attracted by its novel and exciting competition mode. It had high click rating in the YouTube and achieved a great success in the world wide media industry. TV stations in different countries like Chine, Australia, and U. S. also hold the same singing competition. â€Å"The Voice†has already become a media brand. Although the influence of this program in different countries are not the same, but the forms them themselves have strong homogeneous performance, the entire process of the programs from the beginning of the match to the final results are the same form which are borrowed from the western countries. The globalization also promotes the specific media firms became concentrated. In order to reduce risk and improve the profit-making chance, the convergence and consolidation became more frequently (March & Olsen, 1989). In this process, seven media corporations dominated the world media market those are Disney, AOL-Times Warner, Sony, Viacom, Vivendi, and Bertelsmann (McChesney,2001). Some media corporations put the popular cultural elements in their own production and released in the world media market. This can also lead to the media cultural homogenization. Take Japanese anime as an example. Because of its exciting story and exquisite character, it has large amounts of fans around the world. Sony is one of the seven major firms in the world media market. It is famous for its video games. According to Sinclair (2006), the releasing of the third generation of PlayStation brought Sony to the first place in video game industry. One of the unique features in its video products was the combination of anime features with their own video game product. Anime fans around the world also fund of the animation processing games. That directly leads to the animate of games from different video game corporations such as the Xbox in Software, the Wii and NDS in Nintendo. In order to satisfy the visual need for the Chinese game player,some Chinese on-line game producers also put anime elements in their games. Globalization leads to the media market dominated by particular corporations. Because of their media products have the same contents, the world media culture also presents the trend of homogenization. In all, cultural diversity still exist between different cultures, the concept of globalization could not be totally equal to the cultural homogenization and cultural diversity still exist between different cultures. However in the media industry, globalization can be seen as the equal form as cultural homogenization. By giving clear definitions of the two parts, and use the popularity of Hollywood in China, popular TV programs and Japanese anime elements in video games as examples to show that globalization is equal to media cultural homogenization. The trend of cultural homogenization is unavoidable especially in the media industry in the process of globalization. In the future, the world trade market is in a condition of full of challenge but also chance. All countries should mobilize various resources to develop public cultural, at the same time, people should follow the step of the times closely and understand and learn other countries’ cultural essences in a rational and correct way.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Steam Reforming and the Production of Hydrogen Gas Essay
Steam Reforming and the Production of Hydrogen Gas - Essay Example About 50% of the global production of Hydrogen is produced by this process( eg. activated carbon filters, pressurisation and depending on the reformer design, either pre heated and mixed with processed steam or directly injected with the water into the reformer without the need for an external heat exchanger. The water is normally demineralised using appropriate water conditioning systems. Two options are available for reforming one option is high pressure reforming at a working pressure upto 16 bar. The other option is to use low pressures (1.5 bar) with increased conversion ratios ( 2.2 Steam Methane Reforming: The process involves the use of high temperature steam (700C) which is reacted with natural gas( primarily methane) to produce Hydrogen. Methane reacts with steam under 3- 25 bar pressure in the presence of a catalyst to produce Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide and a relatively small amount of Carbon Dioxide. This process is endothermic and hence heat must be supplied to the process to proceed. ( The methane steam reforming reaction is endothermic. Hence this reaction requires a high process temperature to proceed. As the number of moles also changes for the reaction, the reaction is facilitated by as low a pressure as possible to maximise the Methane conversion rate. Another way to shift the equilibrium to the right side is to increase the ratio of steam to methane. Overall, the conversion rate of methane is a function of pressure, temperature and steam/ Methane ratio. The reformer reactor consists of catalyst filled tubes surrounded by a fire box that provides the heat for the reaction as shown in the process flow diagram ( Fig.3) Water Gas shift Reaction: CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (H = - 41.2kJ/mol) (2) The water gas shift reaction is exothermic and needs as low a temperature as possible to proceed. Based on Le Chatelier's principle, the WGS reaction rate: (1) Increases with increase in steam fraction in the inlet gas (2) Decreases with increase in Hydrogen in the inlet gas (3) Decreases with increase in temperature The reactor temperature influences the flame temperature of the reactants. Hence at higher temperature more Methane is converted and less Hydrogen. The presence of a catalyst such as Nickel helps in the formation of Hydrogen rich reformate. The heat required for the first reaction is obtained by the combustion of fuel gas and/ or purge tail gas from the PSA system. Following the reforming step, the synthesis gas is fed into the CO conversion reactor to produce additional Hydrogen. This process occurs in two stages consisting of a High Temperature Shift ( HTS ) reactor at 350C and a Low Temperature Shift ( LTS ) at 190 to 210C.High temperature shift catalysts have an Iron Oxide-Chromium Oxide basis while LTS catalysts consist of Copper Oxide. 3.0 Gas Purification: Hydrogen purification by means of pressure swing adsorption (PSA). The PSA units reach hydrogen
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and How It Mirrors the United Essay
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and How It Mirrors the United States - Essay Example Importantly, the rise of both Roman and American empires follow almost same trajectory of consolidation of ‘pockets of power’ to large scale annexation through combined constitutional, economic and military assaults. The American quagmire in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the growing fallacies of the American empire gives a sense that its doom too would follow the Roman course. The purpose of the paper is to give a glimpse at the rise and fall of Roman empire and see the parallels with the case of the America empire, by examining some of the constitutive features of both the political formations in a brief and concise manner. The Making and the Unmaking of the Empires From the ancient period to the present time, world has seen the rise and fall of many empires. Roman, Greek, ancient Egypt, Persian, British, and American empires are a few to name. The timeline of these empires varies from each other. The chances of survival of an empire in ancient times were more than the mode rn ones. However, a country has more chances to survive than an empire. Decline or fall of an empire is inevitable and only depended upon on time whereas a country can survive for longer period. When a country goes for territorial expansion and succeeds in it, the country then transforms itself into an empire. After acquiring a status of an empire, the nation precipitates the unavoidable decline and fall of the empire. This is the basic but generalized story both the Roman empire and the American empire tell to us. The fall of empire reflects the decaying of the society. After the disintegration of an empire, the society experiences too much hardships and the life of the people become miserable. Experiences of fall of the Roman, ancient Egyptian empire show that the lives of the citizens later were never as good as it was during empires’ height. Now itself, we can sense that America citizens’ hardships are growing day after day and it certainly sheds light into the wea kening core of the American empire. Roman Empire lasted around one thousand years whereas American empire started stumbling only after two hundred and twenty years. There are certain parallels between fall of Roman Empire and the contemporary scenario in the United States. Romans started up with a republic, later transformed it into an Empire. The twentieth century saw America metamorphosing from a nation into an empire. It is very interesting to see that how these two most sophisticated republics of their times ended up as being vicious empires! Importantly, cold war with the former Soviet Union and the subsequent triumph of an American new global order have many parallels between the Romans’ eternal tension with the Carthage. Same as in the case of American empire, the Roman empire was also fully constituted only with the complete disintegration of Carthage. America too became an empire with truly global capabilities only after the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. It is im portant to remember that â€Å"the Roman Republic was an unabashed plutocracy; the citizen-body was carefully graded according to stringent property qualifications. In turn, this classification regulated voting rights: all adult male citizens were enfranchised, but a system of electoral colleges guaranteed that the rich, if united, would always be able to out-vote the poor. In addition, the heavy costs of electioneering and office-holding ensured that all who were most prominent in government were
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Critically review the role of Operations Manager and assess the impact Essay
Critically review the role of Operations Manager and assess the impact on our business plan - Essay Example The operations manager envisions the lounge to hold a large size of customers at any given moment serving them adequately. The business is also structured to be an event-catering package that handles huge orders creating convenience to the customers. Compared to goods, the constraints of service superiority are more intricate and diverge. Therefore, a full- fledged comprehension of customers’ wishes and prospects is a dire subject on the today’s package construing plan. Being a bakery, the business will receive a general target market since most people of all ages enjoy delightful cakes, pastries and pies not overlooking the fact that the merchandises are low-priced items that are nearly reasonable to anyone even with their varying levels of revenue hence keeping the target market large (Hald, & Mouritsen, 2013). In relation to the several product preferences, convenient services, and an extensive target market, this bakery will be able to meet the requirements of a wid e range of consumers. The operations manager was able to foresee the possibility of a company’s website that will be opened on both Facebook and Twitter to create a platform for potential buyers. This paper reviews a business plan for the opening of a bakery known as Annex House in Cardiff, Welsh. A business strategy is the pivotal point of the corporate practices and competitive strategies in the operational management (DAVIS, 2011)) The operations manager in the bakery has used this to strike out a market position, conduct operations, appeal towards customers, enter and achieve organizational objective in the market as a whole. Thus, whether a company wins or loses in the marketplace, it is directly attributable to the calibres of a company’s strategy and the proficiency with which the strategy is implemented and executed. Annex House is a vision of a small entrepreneurial start-up bakery situated in Roath Cardiff in Wales. The business is pictured to make sure there
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Psychological Testing Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Psychological Testing Article Analysis - Essay Example Discussed here is an article on the basis of how effective psychological tests actually are in a workplace. Keywords: psychological test, workplace, employee, behaviour. The article selected is from HR Magazine and talks about how hiring the right person for the job is very necessary and this can only be done through testing a person’s personality to be on the safe side. The CEO of Quest, Tim Burke, relates how difficult it was for him to find the correct people to be employed, and finally he had to make use of psychological testing in order to speed up the process and choose the best people. This has also helped in improving the performance of the company on an overall basis, so much so that Burke has also started using the process of testing on the existing employees in order to find out which employee should be relocated to another position, or who is better suited for a certain job profile. Such kind of testing helps the company to also understand the core of every individ ual even though some experts state that these tests are not always bound to give correct results. Many companies state that in a period of financial turmoil and downturn, they feel that instead of just hiring people they are sceptical about, it is better to utilize some funds and spend money on the entire process of testing than just hiring people who do not end up giving the best results to the best of their potential. Thus, a number of different kinds of tests are used to evaluate a person’s aptitude, behaviour and emotional intelligence in order to see how well he fits the bill for the company. (Bates, Steve) These tests help to ascertain and find out each individual’s capacity on the basis of motivation, leadership skills, as well as his attitude towards the company and his co workers and his needs. There are no wrong answers in these tests; they only ask questions to help determine the characteristics of every person and how best he would react to a given situatio n. (Eisenbraun, Garett A.) There are many tests that have been designed by experts that help to understand a person’s qualities and outlook towards things on a social and personal basis and this really helps his employers to comprehend whether or not he should be hired and is perfect for the job at hand. Most people agree that such kind of tests are the best and most legitimate way to understand fresh people willing to get employed and is also the safest way to find out about the person’s way of thinking. In the given article, personality tests were used most, followed by cognitive tests to test an individual’s attitude and behaviour. After taking the personality test, it was found that it helped to determine the shortcomings of each person and this really surprised the people because even they were not aware consciously, of what they were falling short on in terms of their personality and conducts towards others. These tests help to pin point on the weaknesses and strengths of every person and thus it becomes very easy for the firm to evaluate and choose the employees best fit for the task. The senior managers at the companies mentioned in the article found these methods to be very effective and even tried them out on their own in order to measure its correctness. Such personal assessments, they found, were the best way in order to look into a person’s mind and find out how he thinks and also, how best his potential can be used for the
Monday, September 9, 2019
The freedom I value most. is the freedom of speech Essay
The freedom I value most. is the freedom of speech - Essay Example It is through the freedom of speech that tyrannical leaders who defy and maltreat their subjects are brought to account. In addition, freedom of speech is such an important human right in that it provides an avenue for business transactions. Freedom of speech has also enabled individuals negotiate and seek for peace in cases of misunderstanding among parties. Moreover, freedom of speech provides a favorable channel through which citizens of particular countries participate in decision making and ensure continued existence of democracy within their societies (Allport 14). Freedom of speech has been integral in shaping global politics as journalists use it as a tool to unravel hidden or corrupt activities of politicians (Kenneth 5). Freedom of speech has also assisted in the efforts to reduce corruption and discrimination within various societies. Additionally, freedom of speech has led to the development of equality across all genders as the interested parties are free to air their views and follow up to the achievement of the missions. In conclusion, the freedom of speech is the mother and foundation of all rights enjoyed by human beings. It is the foundation of every development in various spheres of life from political, social and cultural spectrums. Freedom of speech is the main liberator of human kind. It is also the factor of evolution and revolutions currently witnessed in parts of the world where human free will is
West VS East. Racial And Gender Stereotypes And Power Relationships Research Paper
West VS East. Racial And Gender Stereotypes And Power Relationships - Research Paper Example Thus, this flow seems unstoppable on the example of Europeans and Asians. David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly is an applicable example of those fallacies white supremacist promoted about underdeveloped Asians. Turning up to this topic, the world knows many examples when cultural misconception brought a host of social, political, and economical conflicts based on the racial and ethnical difference. This popular trend in the East-West debate was broken down by means of Hwang’s M. Butterfly. Thus, Western influences on Asian culture refer to the imperial dominance, while Eastern identity cannot be trite even after the period of colonization. First and foremost, representatives from Asian countries and with Asian descent were always an object for Western mockery and humiliation. This trend is historically grounded. The question is that Asian people are quite different in their sets of virtues and values they carry on in terms of religion, society, money-making, and the like. O nce, it became annoying for the white supremacists that colonized much of the South-East Asian countries. The pressure started growing since that time. Hence, it overgrew into inequality and prejudices. Asian men and women were not considered equal with European men and women due to the higher, so to speak, status and position of the latter descent. Taking a look at the Hwang’s work, Rene Gallimard is an unhappy white man to be trapped into his own fallacy on Asian women. He fell in love with blindness in his eyes regarding the gender of an Asian woman he loved. The idea is that Asian men as well as Asian women were not considered sexually attractive for white people. Their asexual identity was another reason why they were mistrusted and discriminated by the white majority. Oriental sexuality bore a mark of impossibility. This bias embraced the cultural vision of Caucasian people worldwide. Hence, a host of different stereotypes is the reason why East-West discourse fell shor t of further clarifications. Misogyny referred to Asian men along with feminization referred to Asian women in a wider look at the Western imaginary are the main drives to declare inability of Asians to be attractive to white people. This is why Asians seem to be cast adrift far from where whites gathered. On the other hand, Asian women were considered incapable of their female potential so as to impress Europeans. Thus, East-West racial and gender stereotypes were well grounded on extrapolation of power relations with a century-long continuation. When Gallimard says: â€Å"I’m a man who loved a woman created by a man†– it is a justification of narrow-mindedness he possessed before which was imposed by the rest of his own society in Paris (Hwang ii). It is a remarkable episode depicting the way Rene Gallimard erred during his visit of China. On the other hand, framing Asian men as dangerous for women at large was another stereotype by the Western theorists. One can see it through the way Gallimard behaved in the first days of his trip to China. Frankly speaking, it is all about the way two cultures differ in their understanding of social equilibrium and harmony. Sorrentino points out in his study the following idea: â€Å"Most relevant in this case is the way the West has been described as having an individualistic culture with relatively â€Å"loose†social norms whereas the East has been described as having a collectivistic culture with â€Å"tight†social norms that emphasize social harmony†(51). This is the sticking point highlighting the point of misunderstanding between two cultures. Drawing the images of Asian people in strict accordance to the prejudices and stereotypes illustrating the Western supremacy over the rest of the world, asexual Asian men and hypersexual Asian women seem to
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Customer Relationship Management - Essay Example But if this concept of CRM is evaluated, it can be inferred that CRM does not include one important relation that the organization has. It is its employees. Keeping the above argument in view, CRM has being given a new definition by Reichheld. He has given a concept of Virtuous Circle sometimes colloquially referred to as closing the loop. A diagrammatic representation of this circle is given below: Reichheld has brilliantly explained CRM in one cycle. This cycle depicts that the key to customer loyalty is not the product or the service that is being provided, but the key is the organization’s employees. According to this circle, if the employees are satisfied with their jobs and the company, they can be easily retained by the managers. This would in return increase employee productivity meaning they would give better service to the customers. The customer will be satisfied with the company’s service and would become loyal. Loyal customers are regular customers of the company and in turn also refer the company and its product and services to other potential customers. Thus they serve as a means of word to mouth advertising. This increases the company’s profits and leads the company to growth. The company can then focus on investing the earnings in internal marketing such as rewards, benefits and compensations which would impact the employees. Besides this, employee empowerment, training and development all contribute to employee satisfaction. Thus this cycle goes on and on. John Moore has quoted in his blog ‘Reichheld on Employee Loyalty’ that â€Å"Many marketers view employee relations as a job solely for human resourcesâ€â€they see employees as tools. But employeesâ€â€happy, rewarded employeesâ€â€can work wonders for the company’s marketing efforts. There is no better spokesperson for a company, product, and brand than someone who is happy with
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