Monday, May 25, 2020
Discussing Friendship Lesson for English Learners
Friendship is central to everyones life. Ive found over the years that students are always happy to speak about their friends. An added bonus is that speaking about friends requires students to speak in the third person  always useful practice for the dreaded s in the present simple. Discussing work or conversations about love can be fruitful, but if there are problems at work or at home, students might not want to discuss these popular topics. Friendship, on the other hand, always provides good stories. Use these quotes about friendship to help students explore their notions, preconceived ideas, expectations, etc. about their own friendships, as well as discuss what true friendship really means. As quotations generally provide insight into the topic, ask students to use the questions to help guide them through a discussion of each quotation. Aim: Improving conversational skills related to friendshipActivity: Exploration of the meaning of quotes related to friendshipLevel: Intermediate to advanced Outline Take a quick classroom survey rating their workplace asking students for a definition of friendship.Compare and contrast traditional views of friendship with the current trend of liking and friending on social networks.Read one of the quotes on work. Discuss as a class using the questions provided in the handout.Have students get into small groups of three to four students.Ask students to use the questions to discuss the quotes and how they relate to their own friendships.As a class, ask students if there were any comments/views that surprised them and why.As a class, clarify the characteristics of a good friend. Write a list on the board separating acquaintance and friend. What are the differences between the two?As a follow-up exercise, ask each student to write a short cause and effect essay based on their favorite quote about friendship. Students should include the reasons why they believe the quote is true and what effects following the advice should have. Questions Evaluate each quote below using these questions. Does the quote define friendship? How?Does the quote seem to suggest the differences between a true friend and someone who is not?Does the quote provide a key to success in friendships? If yes, what seems to be the key?Does the quote caution you about something concerning friendship?Is the quote humorous? If yes, whats the point of the joke?Which quote seems the closest to your own definition of friendship?Which quote do you disagree with? Why? Quotes â€Å"Dont walk behind me; I may not lead. Dont walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.†― Albert Camusâ€Å"Its the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.† ― Marlene Dietrichâ€Å"The capacity for friendship is Gods way of apologizing for our families.† ― Jay McInerney, The Last of the Savagesâ€Å"The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.† ― Bette Midlerâ€Å"Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friends success.† ― Oscar Wildeâ€Å"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.† ― Aristotleâ€Å"A friend may be waiting behind a strangers face.† ― Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughterâ€Å"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracksâ€ à ‚ ― Waqar Ahmedâ€Å"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.† ― Kahlil Gibran, The Collected Worksâ€Å"The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.† ― Aristotle
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Covert Racism in America Essay - 1109 Words
Covert Racism in America Racism is still a very current issue in America today. By no means is racism as overt as it was fifty years ago with enforced segregation, but today racism is more covert and often hides behind closed doors to only strike out when least expected. Racism has been deceasing and will continue to be decreased only through education. Hopefully, one day racism will cease to exist. But, that day if possible is many years away. Racism still exists in America today. This is a very verifiable fact for it is estimated that currently in the United States there exists 751 active hate groups that espouse racism and hate based on a persons race, ethnicity, or religion (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2003). This data is very†¦show more content†¦But, hate crimes do still occur and some individuals do still die because they are hated by other because of their race. Even though hate crimes still do occur that are based on racist beliefs there is also a new appreciation in America for cultural pride and diversity. This cultural pride became very apparent after 9/11 when Americans became proud to be Americans. Flags and clothing depicting images of Americana were everywhere. This tragedy of 9/11 made people join together and express the ideology and power of being American. This new appreciation for being American has subsided some as time has gone on after 9/11, but most Americans still take great pride in being and expressing their Americanism. With the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s one saw a gradual acceptance of other races and cultures. This is apparent in the foods that we eat and in the friends that people have. Americans are no longer just WASPs, but people of every color who interact with each other in every way possible. This diversification of America is by no means complete. There are still many individuals who believe that certain races need to be repressed or even exterminated. But, people holding these types of racist views are decreasing. The one true way to help ever to eliminate racism, even further and to build a truly whole diversification of our society is through education. The summerShow MoreRelatedRacism Without Racists, By Jordan Peele797 Words  | 4 Pagesmany films. Like America, many films simply refuse to address this topic for various reasons. However, more recently, Jordan Peele’s 2017 box office hit Get Out explicates contemporary race relations in America. In the form of an unconventional comedy horror, Get Out is intricate in its depiction of white liberal attitudes towards African Americans. In short, Get Out suggests a form of covert racism existing in a post- Jim Crow era. Similarly, Eduardo Bonilla- Silva’s book Racism Without Racists acknowledgesRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1936 Words  | 8 PagesRacism in America Mark Twain penned his famous novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1884 and it quickly became one of the most banned books in America (Sova). The popularity of the novel as a teaching tool as well as the call to ban this book continues today due to the novel’s theme of racism. In the novel, Mark Twain utilizes satire to show his â€Å"contempt for slavery and any racist morality that would uphold it†(Battaglia). Twain’s ability to humorously make a political point regardingRead MoreDefining Racism - Response Essay797 Words  | 4 PagesTierenee R. Roberson SOCI 4421.01 â€Å"Defining Racism†February 22, 2011 Professor Harris Response Paper: Defining Racism In this article by Beverly Daniel Tatum, she uses her various life experiences to show the issues that come along with attempting to define racism in America. There are several external issues that come not only from defining racism, but with separating racism from prejudice. In dispelling preconceived notions that these two words are interchangeable, Tatum makesRead MoreRacial Profiling Is Out Of Control979 Words  | 4 Pages Racial Profiling is racism Today in America racial profiling is out of control. People are being attacked, judge and even killed for reasons beyond just skin color. For many years people of color have been racially profiled, and now when America should be moving forward, America is going backwards. Racial profiling, which is a form of racism has gotten out of control, and the past has not improved as we have moved into the 20th century. It is time for Americans to take a closer look at racialRead MoreRacism Without Racists Essay1059 Words  | 5 PagesOver the years, the face of racism has taken on many forms. In present day America, racism is a very taboo subject. It a common view that racism is not a big issue anymore, given the large strides that we, as a country have made towards equality. However, the inequalities that still exist between races point to a different situation. Instead of the blatantly discriminatory acts that our nation has witnessed in the past, modern racism practices are more co vert and seemingly nonracial, making thisRead MoreOppression Within The Social Workers976 Words  | 4 Pagesperhaps are rendered inutile. North America social workers experience this form of oppression within the social service institution. For this reason, I examine the arguments why the social workers need to be aware of the existence of this unique form of oppression. In order to eliminate oppression in the social welfare workplace, the social workers, in their pursuit of social change, must have a competent understanding of the theory around racism and oppression. Racism, as a social construct, historicallyRead MoreThe American Dream : An Unfortunate Nightmare1235 Words  | 5 PagesInstitutionalized racism: the big elephant in the room. By definition, institutionalized racism is â€Å"Any action, intentional or unintentional, that is based on race or skin color and that subordinates an individual or group based on skin color or race is racism†says professor Vernellia R. Randall( cite). Institutionalized racism exist in ever facet of our society. They’re many cases where a decision was made based on someones race. For example: discrimination in the housing market. Especially in America, racismRead MoreRacism And Racism1122 Words  | 5 Pageshas rapidly changed. Americans are more likely to consider racism a big problem today than they were 20 years ago. When polled in 2016, 49% of Americans said racism is a big problem in the country, up from a mere 28% four years ago. While only 43% of white citizens consider racism a bi g problem, 66% of blacks and 64% of Hispanics consider it to be an issue, most likely because they are the ones who are affected by the increase in racism. The percentage of those who see racial tensions increasingRead MoreRace Theory Of Race And Racism845 Words  | 4 PagesTheories of race and racism have been used by sociologists to not only describe modern societies but also address issues of social injustice and achieve an end to racial oppression. Critical race theory is one of the most widely used for this purpose and provides the structure employed by Dwanna Robertson in her analysis of racism against Native Americans and the consequences they have experienced as a result. She uses the term legitimized racism to discuss the racialization of American Indians.Read MoreRacism : Racism And Racial Discrimination1425 Words  | 6 PagesRacism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among dif ferent racial groups. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities
Friday, May 15, 2020
Torts Notes - 3653 Words
THE ROLE OF TORT LAW Compensatory Function: -Compensation for people who are injured by a wrong, injury to the person , or to the property Torts law can be divided into trespass action on the case and statutory torts TORT LAW REFORM Torts law used to be judge made, similar to common law 20th century statues came in Workers Compensation scheme, Motor Accidents Scheme, Occupational Health and Safety (Factories Act), Dust Diseases Schemes. Drug Compensation Schemes (uk). Characteristics of torts: 1. Wrongful conduct (by way of an act or omission) 2. Infringement of a person’s rights 3. An Available action for damages LAW REFORM AFTER 2002 * RECENT push to regulate the law of negligence in relation to personal injury *†¦show more content†¦(Rixon v Star City). Exigencies of everyday are not classified as â€Å"battery†. (rixon v star city). For battery it must be established that; 1. There was physical contact with the plaintiff’s body 2. This interference was direct upon the defendant’s act and not consequential 3. Defendant’s act was a positive act 4. The defendant had the requisite state of mind i.e. act of interference was voluntary and intentional or voluntary and negligent. The plaintiff bears the onus of proof for the first three requirements and the defendant for the final one. ASSAULT definition: An assault occurs when the defendant deliberately causes the plaintiff to apprehend immediate physical contact (Rixon v Star City). It is distinguished from battery because of the reasonable apprehension of imminent contact. Elements of Assault A direct threat by the defendant: - Barton v Armstrong 1969 – whether or not the apprehension is reasonable is determined objectively with regard to the circumstances which existed at the time of the alleged assault. That causes the plaintiff to reasonably apprehend –The defendant must have the present and apparent ability of carrying out the battery. Some Imminent (impending) contact: (Zanker v Vartzokas). Intentional – Hall v Foneca – the plaintiffs shook his hand at the defendant. For Assault it must be established that ; 1. Apprehension of immediate physical contact with the body of theShow MoreRelatedTorts study notes Essay17110 Words  | 69 PagesReview June, 1997 W. Page Keeton Symposium on Tort Law MIXED THEORIES OF TORT LAW: AFFIRMING BOTH DETERRENCE AND CORRECTIVE JUSTICE Gary T. Schwartza Copyright (c) 1997 Texas Law Review Association; Gary T. Schwartz Introduction Currently there are two major camps of tort scholars. One understands tort liability as an instrument aimed largely at the goal of deterrence, commonly explained within the framework of economics. The other looks at tort law as a way of achieving corrective justice betweenRead MoreA Brief Note On An Intentional Torts?882 Words  | 4 Pagesgeneral consequences that would result because of his or her conduct. 5. 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Unfortunately for some doctors, patients have been killed, limbs removed in error amongst other medical conditions that are irreversible becauseRead MoreEssay on Notes on Torts, Negligence, and Strict Liability2537 Words  | 11 Pages* A tort (in French, meaning â€Å"wrong†) is a wrong or injury to another than a breach of contract I. Introduction to Tort Law * Tort Law’s primary objective is to provide compensation for injured parties. * Secondary objective is that it discourages private retaliation by injured person’s and their friends * Third objective is that it satisfies our collective sense of right and wrong by providing that someone who creates harm should make things right by compensating thoseRead MoreA Brief Note On Tort And Negligence By Ray Knight, A Middle Student Is Shot961 Words  | 4 PagesTort and negligence is an age has resulted in many court cases resulting in certain procedures and conditions businesses, schools or even individuals may have to abide by. 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Relevant Law Causation Fairchild Barker Compensation Act 2006 s.3 Application In most cases the ‘but for’ test is the method used for establishing factualRead MoreA Brief Note On Tort And Its Effects On Society1757 Words  | 8 PagesCase 1 – Tort in legitimate words can be characterized as the collection of different commitments, cures and rights that are put to use by courts whilst common procedures to guarantee equity is served and help is given to individuals who experience the ill effects of the unsafe and wrongful demonstration of others. An offended party can be characterized as the individual who supports harm or is bothered about monetary harm as the after effect of tortious behaviour. Then again a litigant is theRead MoreCivil Court System Of America1497 Words  | 6 Pagesactions, he could be forced to cover the cost of any harms inflicted on others during the incident. Legal experts use the word tort to describe harms like these. The laws that govern how torts are handled in the court systems of America have been under severe attack in recent years. Many groups have successfully lobbied several state legislatures into making reforms to their tort laws. Unfortunately, even though many of these reforms are established with the best of intentions, legislators at times makeRead MoreBusiness Ethics Essay1572 Words  | 7 Pages31: Constitutional, Contract, Criminal, Evidence, Property and Tort Law 32: List and explain Nash’s, Drucker’s, Buffet’s, Blanchards and Peale’s comprehensive approach for resolving ethical dilemma Drucker: â€Å"Above all do no harm.†Intentionally making decisions that will not do harm will encourage ethical decision-making. Buffet: front-page-of-the-paper test, it supports critical thinking to envision how the decision may look on the front page of a paper before making the final decision. Read MoreResume Letter For An Affiliate Program1384 Words  | 6 Pagesterms and conditions that apply to you becoming an affiliate in Happily Blended Media’s Affiliate Program. The purpose of this Agreement is to allow linking between your web site or social media platforms and each of our membership platforms. Please note that throughout this Agreement, we, us, and our refer to Brandy Tanner DBA Happily Blended Media, and you, your, and yours refer to the affiliate. Overview/Affiliate Obligations There is no application process; each of our members will
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Growing-Up Explored in Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen Essay
Growing-Up Explored in Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen The first time I read Kitchen, I knew I was experiencing something very special. Not since my initial reading of Catcher in the Rye have I witnessed such a perceptive look at the joys and pains of growing up. These coming-of-age novels capture our attention with plots that, while twisting and turning in creative, off-beat ways, remain believable. The writers of these novels tell us their stories with a subtle style more exciting than that of textbooks and assigned reading, a style not unlike a good one-sided conversation. Finally, within this great style of writing, the authors infuse honest insights, often humorous and sometimes poignant, which do not carry a lecturing or†¦show more content†¦Guess what else--shes a man. He could barely contain his amusement. This was too much. I just stared at him in wide-eyed silence. I expected any second he would say, Just kidding. Those tapered fingers, those mannerisms, the way she carried herself... I held my breath remembering that beautiful face; he, on the other hand, was enjoying this (p. 13). Later, when Mikage recounts the time Eriko shared with her the importance of a particular pineapple plant, eyebrows may be raised as the words In this world, tonight, only the pineapple and I understand each other are read. (p. 81) As strange as they sound out of context now, these words are actually moving when you have already learned the meaning Eriko placed on the plant. Yoshimoto arranges unique scenarios such as these in expressive ways that, in the hands of less talented authors, would otherwise appear simply ridiculous. She touches young adults because she is able to bring realism to these strange stories. Once the reader has accepted her unique storyline, he is drawn to her subtle writing style. There is no doubt that Yoshimoto is proficient at setting the scene. Chilled-looking people walking along the riverside, the snow beginning, faintly, to pile up on the roofs of cars, the bare trees shaking their heads left and right, dry leaves tossing in the wind (p. 103). At times, the Japanese life she describes seems familiar. What is more important in a coming-of-age
Analysis of Before the Rain Essay - 650 Words
Analysis of Before the Rain Before the Rain, filmed on location in the Republic of Macedonia and in London is a trilogy that focuses on the conflict between Muslims and Orthodox Christians in the Balkans. The three chapters of the trilogy are Words, Faces and Pictures. Director Milcho Manchevski states; Before the Rain, refers to the feeling of heavy expectation, when the skies are pregnant with the possibility of an outburst, when people are silent, waiting for a tragedy of cleansing(1). The movie is a circle in itself, showing the reoccurring cycles of violence and hate. In the first chapter, Words, the audience is introduced to Kirkil, a Macedonian Monk who has taken a vow of†¦show more content†¦The construction of Manchevskis story is intended to demonstrate the futility of ancient hatreds. There are a few moments in the film in which hatred of others is greater than love of ones own. Imagine a culture where a man would ra ther kill his daughter than allow her to love a man from another culture, and one will have an idea of the depth of bitterness in this film, the insane lengths to which men can be driven by belief and prejudice ( Ebert 3). Mise-en-scene is a French term roughly translated as what is put into the Scene. Before the Rain, uses examples of mise-en-scene through out the movie. Each of the three chapters is opened with a plane flying across a blue sky. The purpose to incorporate the plane in each part is used by Manchevski to show a sense of escape. In the third chapter, the plane Aleksander is on lands in Macedonia. This symbolizes Aleksanders desire to be home, while the other citizens of Albania and Macedonia would rather escape by flying away. The deliberate use of the sky in each chapter of the movie is used by Manchevski to show the heavy expectation†¦ when the people are silent, waiting for a tragedy of cleansing(Manchevski 1). Kirkil, Anne and Aleksander all are filmed vomiting, implying that the realization of violence amongst people is nauseating to them. Often children are shown with guns, and in one scene a gun is taken from a child and given to a retard,Show MoreRelatedDesigning A Bigger Scale Project1745 Words  | 7 Pages Before I chose landscape architecture as a start point of my career, all I know about landscape architecture is to design things around people from small to big scale----gardens, parks, streets and urban planning. Later on I realized that I can’t just do the design from some ideas which come from my mind, research, evidence and experience are all essential preparation for design. A design idea cannot be practical without research and research cannot be practiced without design and construction.Read MoreMasuji Ibuse Is The Author Of The Provocative Third Wave1317 Words  | 6 Pagesnovel Black Rain. To read Black Rain without taking into consideration the post-nuclear environment that has permeated society since before the authorship of this novel specifically the hot spot of the Vietnam war which was at the peak of its conflict during the writing of Black Rain(1965-1966) is nearly impossible. â€Å"When reading the air you will see one but know ten†This combination of two Japanese proverbs define what ibuse is doing with the novel. When we read section of Black Rain the text hasRead MoreA Project Description Of The Landscape1330 Words  | 6 PagesOne way to assist in the reduction effluents into a water system is to use urban rain gardens. A basic definition of a rain garden is a depression in the landscape that will collect storm water runoff and get it in the ground (Emery 2006). This depression in the ground is then filled with native plants that utilize the excess nutrients taking them down to a reasonable level before they enter the water system. The rain garden also absorbs surpluses of water that the additional impervious pavementsRead MoreGreen Infrastructure Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pages2.2. Practices of Green Infrastructure Regarding GSI, EPA (2015) introduces eleven types of the practices of GI on their website: rain gardens, bioswales, permeable pavements, green streets and alleys, green parking, green roofs, urban tree canopy, land conservation and etc. Among these practices, this research selected four practices: rain gardens, bioswales, permeable pavement (covering green parking), and green roofs. This is mainly because they are widely accepted as representative tools forRead MoreSuitability Analysis789 Words  | 4 PagesThis chapter is mainly intended to suggest a springboard for filling gaps between analysis (method) and practices. Based on the result of suitability analyses under Scenario 1, ‘Equal Consideration,’ which places equal weight on the six criteria, this chapter tries to show how the four selected GI practices –rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs, and permeable pavement– can be located suitably, balancing the effectiveness of and demands for GI. The rea son why the first scenario was selected for theRead MoreBacteria in Recycling Wastewater798 Words  | 3 Pagesplants could create a big problem for wildlife and the ecosystem. This research will test the proliferation of bacteria before and after heavy rain to see if the rainwater run-off from farms that use fertilizers, and fish farms farm will create a spike in the reproduction of bacteria. Water samples will be taken from the Flint Creek Watershed in 100 mL bottles before and after heavy rain and transported on ice to the laboratory. The sites will be areas with heavy agricultural use and rural land use. ThisRead MoreDescription Of A Golf At Seattle, Should They Charge Seasonal Rates? Essay1026 Words  | 5 Pagesfor carts on their courses, as opposed to driving ranges. Formal Analysis: We have been hired by the Municipal Golf of Seattle (MGS) organization in order to offer advice on the addition of seasonal fees for their three owned golf courses, as well as the revenue gained from construction of capital like paved paths and driving ranges. We have been given data from 22 golf courses in the Seattle area in order to help our analysis, as well as an unrestricted model. The data was measured once a monthRead MoreAnalysis Of Where The Sidewalk Ends A Poem Analysis1275 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Paper and Poem Analysis: Shel Silverstein â€Å"Where the Sidewalk Ends†A poem analysis Have you ever been scared to cross the street when you were a child? Have you ever sat and stared at the paint that is on the road and wondered if that is what is keeping you safe? Shel Silverstein’s poem, â€Å"Where the Sidewalk Ends†a three stanza poem, and is in the view of a child. It is very descriptive about what the child is seeing also. I believe that Silverstein was trying to get kids to understandRead MoreAcid Rain And Its Impact On The Environment1475 Words  | 6 Pages Acid Rain and Its Impact on the Environment Jason A. Flores Environmental Science 101 Farmer MSJC/Beaumont High School December 19, 2016 Introduction Acid rain, according to the EPA, is any form of precipitation such as rain, fog, sleet, snow, hail, or even dust that contains acidic components (2016). It can also be called â€Å"acid deposition†and will usually contain compounds such as sulfuric or nitric acid in their wet or dry forms. While acid rain might not have an immediate apocalypticRead MoreTheftby Katherine Anne PorterFollow 10 Members1550 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Theft by Katherine Anne Porter Follow 10 Members Following Summary Themes Analysis More ââ€" » Theft by Katherine Anne Porter Analysis Style and Technique (Comprehensive Guide to Short Stories, Critical Edition) print Print document PDF list Cite link Link â€Å"Theft†is a unique short story in the Porter canon for several reasons. It is the first effort at incorporating autobiographical elements into her work. Porter developed an intense relationship with Matthew Josephson, her literary mentor and
Emergence of Social Networking Sites-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business. Answer: Introduction People belonging to the current era are gradually becoming accustomed with the advancement of technology. The overarching term social networks ensure systematic practice that allows business organizations in improving the way of communication as well as productivity. Social networking is the form of internet based social media programs that allows making an effective connection with business clients as well as customers. Marketers in order to enhance their brand image and reputation intend to use the popularity of social networking platforms (Baltar and Brunet 2012). The enhancement of social networks allows the business organizations in getting familiar with the new customers who even belong to different geographical market. With the help of social networks number of business can be expanded to different geographical corners. The business executives get the scope to promote their brand and services to various geographical areas. The products and services get the scope to reach beyon d regional market. Therefore, business executives get the opportunities to expand their entire process of business in the international market again. At the same time, the emergence of social networking sites are constituted with some of the major disadvantages as well. After the emergence of social media the business service providers get least opportunity in collecting customers feedback by making face to face communication. Customers while providing necessary feedback to the service providers regarding the products as well as services cannot maintain privacy. Feedback through social media or any kind of private forum is not private. They have to make any kind of comment publicly (Picazo-Vela et al. 2012). For that particular reason large number of customers does not intend to provide feedback through social networking sites. Business organizations have to face difficulties in gathering customers feedback. This particular study has focused to make an in-depth analysis about the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business. Project Objective The primary aim of this particular study is to critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business. With the help of various eminent scholars the study has focused to present both the positive as well as negative impact of using social networking sites. The primary objectives of this specific study are as follows: To critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business To highlight the factors that affect in using social networking sites within business To provide some of the major recommendations on how the necessary barriers of using social networking sites can be overcome Project Scope It has been observed that in last five years business organizations especially small and medium enterprises are facing innumerable difficulties in expanding their entire process of business in different geographical boundaries (Aljabre 2012). People belonging to the various countries are not aware of the products and services of those small and medium organizations. Automatically, the target market of those organizations remains the same. Business executives do not get enough scope and opportunities in enhancing their target market for rendering a boundary on the overall communication. In order to make a change on the overall business process the executives of various organizations have decided to emphasize on the social networking sites for enhancing their overall business process. After the emergence of social networking sites the business managers have faced immense scopes to introduce their brands as well as services beyond going the regional market (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). At the same time, emergence of social network has brought some of the disadvantages on overall business performance as well. This particular study has primarily focused to make an in-depth critical analysis about the impact of social networking on the enhancement of overall business process. Literature Review Literature review is the systematic procedure of making an in-depth analysis about a particular topic by involving some of the eminent scholars belonging to the contemporary ages. In this specific study an in-depth critical overview about the impact of social media network on the overall business performance has been portrayed. The overall concept of social networking sites and its significance on business performances Batjargal et al. (2013) stated that with the dynamic change of global industry the needs and demands of the customers are changing gradually. As per the earlier business scenario, people were very much accustomed with the traditional media networks. Traditional media networks include television, radio and print media and so on. People belonging to different geographical boundaries are not very much familiar with the service process of business organizations especially small and medium enterprises. Therefore, social media platform is one of the most effective media vehicles with the help of which people belonging to different geographical markets can communicate with each other by sitting at their own place. As report says, around 40% of the populations are connected with social networks (Myers 2013). The first billion reached within the year 2005. The second billion reached within 2010 and third billion reached within 2014. After the increase of wide range of social media users the b usiness performers get better scope to interact with their clients (Baruah 2012). At the very initial period the promotional activities were highly dependent on the electronic as well as print media vehicles. International customers get least opportunities in sharing their own opinion regarding the reliability of products and services. In this kind of situation, the social networks have become of the most significant platforms for introducing the brand in the global market. As emphasized by Sashi (2012), large number of business organizations are primarily associated with some of the most recognizable social media channels for promoting their entire business process in different geographical corners. The social media channels include Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, etc. The rate of social media users all over the world includes: Figure 1: The rate of social media users all over the world (Source: Zikmund et al. 2013) The numbers of Facebook users are wide in range in comparison to other social media platforms as opined by Gronum et al. (2012). Large number of business organizations tends to give their online advertisement of products and services through social media pages. People with the current trend do not intend to follow news in a stereotype manner. Therefore, business experts do not intend to use the news channels as their platform of business promotion. After rising the innumerable rate of Facebook users is one of the major advantages for the business experts (Denscombe 2014). As a result, the marketing managers are intending to use Facebook pages for drawing the attention of customers. On the other hand, other people belonging to different geographical markets to use other social networking sites as well. Customers of global areas can get the scope to provide their own point of views regarding the service quality a particular brand in social media platform. Okazaki and Taylor (2013) opin ed that business experts do not have to go anywhere in order to gather necessary feedback from the customers. This particular study has focused to make an in-depth overview about the positive as well as negative impact of social networking sites in expanding the entire business process. The range of target market can also be increased after the use of social media platform. The impact of social networks on business organizations In order to evaluate the impact of social network on the overall business the study has tried to portray both the positive as well as negative impact. As per the opinion of some of the eminent scholars some people are not very much accustomed with the advancement of technology. Rennie and Morrison (2013) stated that especially people who belong to the age group of 40 to 60 are not very much aware of operating technological process. In this kind of situation, social media networks act as a major negative impact on the overall performance level of the organization. At the same time, some of the eminent scholars have stated that social media has emerged as a bridge among the customers of different geographical markets. Business experts are flexible enough in launching the brand in the international market with the help of social media platform. Automatically the business experts have raised their target group beyond going regional market. After the evaluation on the impact of social media platform on the overall business process this particular study has provided an in-depth overview on how much effective the social media is for enhancing the business performance level of the organization. While providing some of the major recommendations on how the necessary barriers of using social networking sites can be overcome the study has suggested in providing training and development session to the employees based on which they can enhance their skill and competency level. Necessary advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites As emphasized by Slovensky and Ross (2012), social networking sites are the flexible platform where the business organizations can create personal profile, own page and forum for collecting customers response. With the growing progress of civilization the business trends are getting changed gradually. Employees are getting accustomed with communicating people with the help of social media platform. In this kind of situation, social media has become one of the most inevitable platforms for business promotions as well as expansion. On the other hand some of the eminent scholars believe that social media platform is possessed with some of the major disadvantages as well. The primary advantages of using social networking sites are as follows: Connecting the entire world: Social media has connected the entire world within a specific boundary. An individual social media user can communicate with anyone by sitting at their own place. Therefore, business experts intend to use social media platform for introducing their brands as well as products to the global market. Borgatti, Everett and Johnson (2013) stated that automatically the international customers get an effective scope to provide their feedback regarding the reliability of products. Business executives on the other hand, get an opportunity in enhancing their product variety to meet the needs and demands of global consumers. In this kind of situation, people belonging to different geographical market would like to show their interest in using products as well as services due to the large number of product variety. Online advertising attracts global consumers: Social networks allow the organizational employees to present the advertising campaign Worldwide. Social media users by sitting at their own workplace can view the online advertisement. While presenting the advertising content the marketing executives have to focus on some of the major aspects. Chen and Bryer (2012) stated that the content writers should focus on developing the content in such a way that people belonging to different geographical ages and religious backgrounds can easily understand the content. On the other hand, the business experts should never focus on the people of specific geographical location. Product should be designed in such a way that people of various religious backgrounds can focus on using the products as well as services. Providing as well as collecting immediate feedback: With the help of social network platform the customers get the scope to provide an immediate feedback regarding the reliability of products and services (Eriksson and Kovalainen 2015). In most of the cases it has been observed that the business experts have provided negative regarding the quality of products as well as services to the business experts. Based on the customers feedback the organization is able to change their strategies and policies for fulfilling the needs and demands of the customers. On the other hand, it has also been observed that business experts get the scope of providing immediate feedback to the customers so that customers do not lose their trust on the organization. On the other hand social networking sites are not devoid of some of the major disadvantages as well. The primary disadvantages of social media networks are as follows: Lack of direct communication: After the emergence of social networking sites the business experts fail to communicate with the customers directly. As a result, the customers do not get the scope of providing direct feedback to the service providers. As per the opinion of Whiting and Williams (2013), direct communication is highly important in order to get an effective feedback from the customers. Social media platform is not competent enough in collecting genuine feedback from the customers as their every comment is published publicly. Raise of cyber bulling and criminal activities: The raise of cyber bulling crime activities are increasing day by day after the emergence of social networking sites. Use of social media can expose the individuals for harassment as the entire contact detail is very much exposed to everyone (Dabner 2012). In this kind of situation, people belonging to different geographical markets are facing insecure in using the platform of social media. Influencing only young generation: Hamat, Embi and Hassan (2012) opined that social media network is influencing young generation only with the help of which aged persons belonging to different geographical boundaries are getting deprived of getting aware of the upcoming brands and products. Therefore, the people belonging to different age group are not very much accustomed with the advancement of technology. In this kind of situation, business organizations fail to draw the attention of customers belonging to different geographical boundaries. Factors implementing social network on business performance Some of the major factors that become a serious hindrance in using social networking sites within the process of business are as follows: Lack of proper training on technology: As per the opinion of Dabner (2012), senior employees do not have proper training in handling the technological operation. As a result, while providing customer services those employees have to face innumerable difficulties in operating the technological devices. Customers fail to get proper response at the stipulated time. Automatically they intend to show their reluctance in using the products and services from this particular organization. As emphasized by Eriksson and Kovalainen (2015), organizations should always provide an effective training and development session to the employees. As a result, the customers would not have to face difficulties in receiving the service process within specific time. Lack of sufficient technological equipments It has been observed that business organizations especially SMEs sometimes fail to use social media networks for communicating with the customers due to the lack of sufficient technological equipments. On the hand, employees are not capable enough in operating technologies (Chen and Bryer 2012). On the other hand, the employees so not have enough scope in developing their technological skill due to the lack of proper equipments at the workplace. In this kind of situation, services providers have to be dependent entirely on face to face communication, direct marketing and so on. Technological equipments enable the service providers in maintaining communication by sitting at their own workplace. At the same time, the customers get the scope to receive an immediate response from the customer service providers. Lack of economic strength Economy is one of the most significant factors based on which the rate of business expansion is highly dependent. Organizations are able to implement technological equipments, web page promotion and social media promotion only when the economic strength of the organization is on the favor. It has been observed that large number of business organizations due to the lack of economic strength fail to use social media networks for promoting their business a as well as for communicating with the international customers. As per the opinion of Borgatti, Everett and Johnson (2013), marketing managers should invest sufficient number of budget for the business promotion. As a result, the customers belonging to international markets would become aware of the brands and products. Limited target customers As opined by Slovensky and Ross (2012), social media network attracts those kinds of customers who are from young group of ages. Most of the social media users are from young generation. As a result, people belonging to other age group face difficulties in getting proper knowledge and information regarding the reliability of brands and products. In this kind of situation, business organizations are dealing with limited number of target group of people. However, in order to overcome this particular situation, the business experts along with using social media platform can use the popularity of print media as well as electronic media as well. As a result, the people of various age groups would be aware of the reliability as well as validity of brands and the products. Literature gap The entire study has focused to make an in-depth overview about the impact of using social networks in business. While discussing the impacts of using social networks the study has focused to make a critical overview about the various positive and negative aspects of social media networks. This particular literature review is not devoid of some of its negative effects as well. As per the opinion of some of the eminent scholars social media highly impacts on young generation in committing cyber crime. Therefore, the study could have focused in dealing with the negative impacts of using social networks in more detailed way. Summary: The primary purpose of this particular literature review is to highlight the various impact of using social networks in business. In order to portray the various impacts of social networks the study has depicted the opinion of different scholars. People belonging to different geographical boundaries can get the scope of getting an overview about the reliability of brands and the products. Therefore, this particular study has highlighted the positive as well as negative effects of using social networks for promoting entire process of business. At the same time, the study has depicted some of the major factors that highly influence in implementing social networking sites. The study has critically evaluated those factors as well. Conclusion This particular study has focused to make a deep insight on the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business. Numerous eminent scholars have provided their own opinion about the impact of social networks in enhancing business performances. People belonging to different geographical markets do not have enough knowledge about the reliability of products and services. Therefore, the business executives intend to use the popularity of social media platform for making effective promotional activities. At the same time, it has also been observed that some of the major factors are there that highly prevents the overall performance level of the business organizations. For an example, social networking sites are primarily beneficial for the young generation. Therefore, people belonging to different ages are not getting aware of the products and services if the organization depends on social media network fully. In the literature review part, the study has focused to make an in-depth critical analysis with the help of which various conspicuous scholars have provided their own opinion about the effectiveness of social network sites on the overall business performance. The emergence of facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram has brought the people of various geographical markets closer. At the same time, the business executives should focus on other media vehicle as well with the help of which people belonging to different age group can also be aware of the brands and services. Business organizations should never be restricted within a specific group of people. Therefore, the marketing executives can use the social networks on one hand for expanding the entire process of business. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Brca1 Brca2 Essay Example For Students
Brca1 Brca2 Essay Are Women MoreSusceptibleto Breast and OvarianCancer If a Mutation inBRCA1 and BRCA2 isFoundBreast and Ovarian cancer are the two most common kinds of cancers found in women in the United States. An estimated 90-95% of cancer casesare believed to be environmental and lifestyle related. The remaining five toten percent of these types of cancers may be caused by inherited geneticmutations. The existence of a breast cancer susceptibility gene known asBRCA1 and its approximate location on human chromosome 17 have beenknown for about 4 years, on the basis of retrospective family studies. Butonly since 1994 have scientist actually been able to isolate and sequence thegene. In 1995, BRCA2 (a similar gene) was identified. In some families, thegene is inherited in a mutated form. Women who inherit a mutated form arehighly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 and BRCA2 aretwo known genes that are responsible for an increased risk of both breast andovarian cancer. (Malone 136)What i s cancer? Cancer is defined as a disease in which abnormalcells multiply without control, destroying healthy tissue and endangering life. Cancer occurs in most species of animals and in many kinds of plants, as wellas human beings. About 100 types of cancers attack human beings. BRCA1and BRCA2 are genes linked to breast (male and female), prostate, ovarian,and colon cancer. (Harris 1) Cancer strikes people of all ages, but especially middle-aged to elderlypeople. It occurs equally among both males and females. The disease canattack any part of the body and may spread through means of blood flow. Cancer may spread only if it is not caught in time. Many types of cancers aredetermined in various stages in which they can be treated and possibly cured. (Harris 2)The occurrence of a specific kind of cancer varies from country tocountry. For example cancer of the stomach is much more common in Japanthan in the United States. The primary body sites that cancer strikes mostoften are the skin ; the female breasts; and the organs of the digestive,respiratory, reproductive, blood-forming, lymphatic, and urinary systems. (Harris 2)The body of an adult human being is made up of hundreds of billions ofcells. Each minute, several billion of these die and are replaced severalbillion new cells. Each if these new cells then doubles in size and becomescapable of dicing throughout mitosis. This way, new cells are being producedfor every cell that dies. Normal, non-cancerous cells, divide at a normal raterequired to replace dying cells, never at a faster rate. Like normal cells,cancer cells reproduce by dividing, but have lost the ability to reproduce at acontrolled rate. (Collins 183)Whenever anything interferes with the reproductive control of cells, thecells multiply and gradually build up a mass of tissue called a tumor. Tumorsthat are benign do not spread, while tumors that are malignant do spread anddestroy other parts of the body. The spread of cancer from one part of thebody to the other is known as metastasis. Cancers ability to spread makesthe disease extremely difficult to treat unless detected early. (Harris 4)Most experts agree that people develop cancer mainly throughprolonged contact with one or more carcinogens. In addition, scientistssuspect that a person may inherit a tendency to develop the disease as well,linking it to DNA alterations. Carcinogens attack normal cells and mayeventually cause one of the cells to become cancerous. Scientists believe that90 to 95% of cancer start this way. The changes are then passed on to thecells descendants. One cancerous cell turns into two, and two into four, andfour into eight, and so on. Carcinogens are introduced into the body throughthe nose, mouth, or some other bodily openings. Many cancers are caused bya combination of two or more agents usually rather than a single one. (Harris 7)Some cancers, including those of the breast and colon, occur amongblood relatives at a higher than average rate. Scienti st believe that somepeople inherit a tendency to develop a certain type of cancer. Only a fewtypes of cancer though have been proven to be hereditary, such as, breast andovarian cancer. In addition researchers have identified certain genes, calledproto-oncogenes, that are vital to early tissue development. When thesegenes become changed or rearranged by chemicals or viruses, these genes intheir altered state are called oncogenes. The oncogenes than transform ahealthy cell into a cancerous cell. Scientists have identified over 50oncogenes that may cause cancer in certain organs such as the bladder,breasts, liver, lungs, colon, and pancreas. Some scientists believe thatoncogenes are involved in all cancers, while others do not. (Harris 7)Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer amongAmerican women, affecting 1 in 10 during their life time. It is estimated that45% of all families with significantly high breast cancer incidence, and atleast 80% of families with elevated r ates of both early-onset breast cancer andovarian cancer, carry the mutated BRCA1 gene. A rough estimate is that 1 in200 women in the U.S may have an inherited mutation in the gene. (AmericanCancer Society packet) Up until the 1940s many doctors and scientist thought breast cancerwas a result of old aging. Scientists know now that breast cancer is not aresult of old aging, but a result of being in contact with too many carcinogens,or as a result of inheriting certain genes. It is becoming more and more clear,that all cancers i.e. breast cancer, have a strong genetic basis, not necessarymeaning that they are all hereditary, but can be found linked to certain geneson chromosomes. (Love 165)Normal cells have 46 chromosomes which appear in 23 pair, butcancer cells usually have many more and on occasion fewer. The risks ofdeveloping breast cancer comes from either parent. Because each person hastwo copies of each gene, but transmits only one copy to each of his or heroffspring, the laws of chance predict that about half of all children of a parentwith a mutation in the BRCA1 gene will inherit the alteration. This flawedgene will make you more susceptible to cancer. The most common genes inwomen and men, that when damaged cause breast cancer are BRCA1 andBRCA2. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are also linked to an increased risk for ovariancancer as well as breast cancer. (Love 167)Usually breast and ovarian cancer are not inherited. It has beenestimated that about 5 to 10% of all breast and ovarian cancers are thought tobe due to mutations in a gene inherited from a parent. However, if anindividual has several closely related family members with breast and/orovarian cancer, or if cancer has occurred at an early age, there is highersuspicion that the breast cancer in that family may be an inheritance. (Scalia 1)BRCA1: BR=breast CA=cancer gene 1, located on chromosome 17q,was first discovered in 1994 by Mark Skolnick at Myriad Genetics Corp. BRCA1 normally is responsible for making proteins which is important forthe normal functions of the cells. A mutation in BRCA1 can change theprotein it makes so the protein does not work as well. The BRCA1 gene isencoded by 5591 nucleotides distributed over a gnomic region which isapproximately 100kb in length. (Langston 3) SEE DIAGRAM 1It is possible that the BRCA1 gene may be involved in some sporadiccases through somatic mutations (mutations that cannot be passed tooffspring) that occur in DNA of breast cells during a womans lifetime. Preliminary evidence, however, suggests that BRCA1 plays a small role, ifany, in sporadic breast cancer. (Langston 4)BRCA2: BR=breast CA=cancer gene 2 was discovered in 1995 by Dr. Steven Narod in Ontario, Canada. Twenty-two coding exons of the geneencode a protein of 1863 amino acids. The protein contains a putative RINGfinger domain near the amino-terminal, suggesting BRCA2 may regulatetranscription. (Levine 25) DIAGRAM 1BRCA2, located on chromosome 13q, functions similar to BRCA1. The only real difference between BRCA1 and BRCA2 is that BRCA2 increases the risk for male cancer, while BRCA1 does not. Also theestimated risk of ovarian cancer with BRCA2 is not as high as BRCA1. (Langston 3)When researchers isolated these gene, they looked at selectedindividuals with either breast and/or ovarian cancer. The researchers whoisolated the gene looked for BRCA1 mutations in 32 breast tumors and 12ovarian tumors from patients who were not known to be members ofcancer-prone families. From this test scientists found BRCA1 mutations inthree of the breast tumors and in one of the ovarian tumors. However, eachof the four was found to be a germline mutation, which suggests that thesepatients have inherited a BRCA1 gene mutation in the same way as womenfrom the families that have been studied. Future research will clarify ifBRCA1 has any role in sporadic breast cancers. Studies of families withinherited alterations in BRCA1 has suggested that more than half the womenwho carry a cancer associated mutation in the gene will be diagnosed withbreast cancer by age 50. (American Can Soc Pack 3)Since the isolation of these genes, studies characterizing the effects ofspecific mutations are presently being conducted. Existing tests to determinewhether a person carries a BRCA1 mutation are effected on both research oncommercial levels. Once the gene is identified in a family, researchers canlook directly for the specific mutation. This allows testing for familymembers to be much more easy, as well as less expensive. (Rizzler 24)In women who have been found to carry an altered BRCA1 gene, therisk to develop breast cancer by age 70 may be as high as 80.5% and the riskfor ovarian cancer 40 to 60%. In other words, out of a 100 women whoinherit BRCA1 mutations, about 80 will develop cancer by the time theyreach 70 years; about 40-60 women will develop ovarian cancer. For womenwho develop cancer in one of the breasts, the risk is increased for cancer todevelop in the oth er breast as well. Men who carry a mutation in BRCA1 donot seem to have high risk to develop breast cancer, but there may be aslightly increased risk for prostate cancer or colon cancer. (Bre OvaPAMPHLET)We all have two BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. We get these genes fromboth our mother and our father. A mutation in either of these genes can beinherited from either parent. If the mother or father does have a mutation theneach of his or her children has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation. Chance determines who inherits the gene and who does not, and theappearance of the gene in one child has no effect on the risk in other childrenin the family. It is possible that all or none of the offspring of an affectedparent will inherit the mutated gene. (Scalia 1) SEE DIAGRAM 2BRCA1 and BRCA2 in their natural form, are thought to be importantfor normal function of cells. Because BRCA1 is a gene that has recently beenidentified, little is known either of its role in breast cancer development or itsnormal function. If there is a mutation, however, in either of these genes, orone copy of either gene is lost or damaged, its function may be disrupted,making breast cells and ovarian cells more prone to the susceptibility ofdeveloping cancer. Not everyone who inherits a mutation in BRCA1 andBRCA2 develops breast or ovarian cancer. BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutationdoes not cause cancer; however it does increase the chances for a person todevelop cancer. Scientists do not know why only some individuals with amutation develop cancer and why some do not, however, with the rapidprogression of cancer research and genetic testing these questions may soonbe resolved. (Scalia 1)Everyone has two genes of a specific trait. One from mom and onefrom dad. If one of these genes becomes mutated, or lost, then the other canserve as a break for the other and continue to function as normal. Womenwith inherited BRCA1 mutation are born with one bad copy, so that forcancer to occur they need only one additiona l damaging mutation in a breastcell some time during life. It is suspected that the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genesfunction as a tumor suppressor. Suppressor genes normally preventuncontrolled cell proliferation and their inactivation through mutation can leadto cancer. Inherited mutation occurs only on one gene, while the other is noteffected. Chances of that person developing cancer from one of these genesis greatly increased, i.e. 85% breast cancer and 50% for ovarian cancer. How can anyone believe that a machine can think? Essay~clinical breast exams. ~mammograms. ~consultation with a qualified healthcare professional if a change in breast tissue is detected. Ovarian cancer guidelines:~CA-125 serum tumor marker testing~transvaginal ultrasound~rectovaginal pelvic examinationWomen who have a BRCA1 mutation and have been diagnosed withbreast cancer are at an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast. This may affect treatment decisions, i.e., the choice between a mastectomy ora lumpectomy of the affected breast, and either prophylactic mastectomy ofthe unaffected breast and/or prophylactic oophorectomy. (Doctor Pamphleton breast cancer/Gaitherburg)Ways to treat breast cancer:~Prophylactic oophorectomy. Many clinicians believe that this is thetreatment of choice for the women who carry BRCA1 mutation or for thosewho have a strong family history of breast cancer. A bilateral removal of theovaries to decrease estrogen production is effective as well. Otherconsiderations include the individuals risk for cardiovascular disease andosteoporosis and her concerns about sterility. (Doctors Pamphlet on BRCA1and 2)~Prophylactic mastectomy. Because dense breast tissue may interfere withthe clinical examination and mammography, and in premenopausal women every breast cell has a mutated gene placing a woman at a 95% risk duringher lifetime for breast cancer, the volume of the breast tissue that can beaffected is reduced through mastectomy, making prophylactic surgeryappropriate for women who carry a BRCA1 mutation. However, becausesurgery cannot remove all breast tissue, the risk of developing breast cancercannot be totally eliminated. (Doctors Pamphlet on BRCA1 and 2)Another kind of treatment is hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to be effective in relievingsome of the conditions often associated with menopause, as well asdecreasing the risk of a heart attack and osteoporosis. However, the use ofreplacement hormones may increase the risk of breast and endometrialcancer. Post menopausal women who are currently taking hormones(estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progesterone) ha ve a relative riskof 1.46% of developing breast cancer compared to post-menopausal womenwho have never taken hormones or had breast cancer. The effect of hormonereplacement therapy for shorter periods of time and for women who carry amutated BRCA1 gene is currently unknown. (Gayther 1462)There are some life modifications that women can make in order todecrease their chance of breast cancer. Women who carry a BRCA1mutation should be encouraged to evaluate their current lifestyle habits and, ifnecessary and/or appropriate, modify the following: (Gross 88)Age at first pregnancy: Data indicates that women who deliver theirfirst child before age 30 are less likely to develop breast and ovarian cancer. Body weight: individuals who are 40% or more over- weight mayhave an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. In addition, maintainingdesirable body weight increases efficacy of cancer screening procedures. Exercise: Physical activity during a womans reproductive yearsaffect the production of estrogen and other sex hormones. This may providea protective effect against breast cancer risk. Tobacco use: A study indicates that a womans risk of dying frombreast cancer increases 25% if the women smokes cigarettes. Diet: Some studies suggest that eating a balanced diet has ananti-tumor affect. Recommendations for a balanced diet include foods low infat and rich in fiber and antioxidants; green leafy vegetables; soy products;and broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables. Alcohol: Some studies indicate there is some link between alcoholconsumption and the development of breast cancer, although no causalrelationship has not been proven. (Gross 89) SEE DIAGRAM 6In the future, scientists hope discoveries will lead to gene therapy, butfor now there is little one can do about a genetic predisposition beyondcounseling and lifestyle changes. The BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic susceptibilitytest is commercially available through Myriad Genetic and OncorMedLaboratories. Testing to verify sensitivity, specificity, and other parameterswill commence at cancer centers throughout the U.S. Educational materialswill be provided to healthcare professionals who offer BRCA1/BRCA2testing to assist in presenting and discussing issues with patients both beforeand after the test. (Breast/Ovarian Pamphlet)Having a test for either BRCA1 or BRCA2 could affect a personsability to get or to keep insurance in the future. If a mutation is found insomeones family that increases the risk for d eveloping cancer, it could affecttheir familys ability to get or to keep insurance (health, life, and disability). One may experience loss of insurance, inability to qualify for new insurance,increased premium payments, or decreased coverage. A person may belocked into a job to keep coverage, or lose coverage in the event of a job loss. (Hereditary Breast Cancer 4)Patients should talk to their doctor about how the information will bekept in their medical record. People who are concerned about how their testresults will be used need to consider paying for tests out of their ownpockets. Legislators are in the process of introducing state bills which bansuch discrimination from employers and insurance companies. Twenty statesalready have statutes that, to varying degrees, protect the confidentiality ofgenetic test results and protect them from employment or insurancediscrimination. The presence of a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 indicates that thereis a risk to develop cancer. It does not mean that cancer will definitelydevelop. Although testing is very accurate, there is a chance that an inheritedmutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 will not be detected or that a mutation existsin another gene for which testing was not done. Cancer can and does occurfor other reasons (Hereditary Breast Cancer 4)There are psychological risks for be ing tested. Some people may alsohave difficulty in knowing that they carry a gene which increases their risk todevelop breast cancer. They may experience emotions, such as: anger,denial, anxiety, or shock; fear of cancer or of the future; worry about theirhealth, family, employability; changed self-image; guilt for possibly passingthe gene to children; worry about the future medical costs and insurability. These are all normal reactions. (Hereditary Breast Cancer 4)If a mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA1 is found, one will be encouragedto inform other family members who may also carry the mutation. In theprocess, other family members may also find out confidential information. For example, someone may disclose that a family member is adopted. Therefore, sometimes relationships in families may be affected. (HereditaryBreast Cancer 4)In conclusion, it is believed that 1 out of 3 women will inherit breastcancer during their life time, though others may disagree. Undoubtedly breastcancer is a silent killer in which it must be detected early in order to beprevented or stopped. 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