Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Dystopia in Aldous Huxleys Brave New World :: Brave New World
Dystopia in Aldous Huxleys Brave New cosmos Its hard to imagine yet somehow so extremely close to us is thepossibility of a world of ideal perfection where there is no room oracceptance of individuality. Yet, as we strive towards the growth oftechnology and improvement of our daily hold we come closer to closingthe gap between the freedom of emotions, self understanding, and of speechand the devastation of a dystopia. A utopia, or perfect world, gone lopsidedis displayed in Aldous Huxleys provocative novel Brave New World.Dystopia is drawn on political and emotional events, anchoring its visionof a nightmarish future in coetaneous fears of totalitarian ideology anduncontrolled advances in technology and science (Baker 22). It is thesituation that costs a piece of an unhealthy environment for human beings,is the theme of the novel. The dystopian setting is brought about bytechnology and by higher authorities. As tech nology increases, the use forhuman beings in the work force decreases leaving an overpower amount ofdepression among humans. Therefore, a way to continue the production oftechnological findings is by bringing up humans from day one to accepttheir unhappiness as normal. By breeding human beings to accept the factthat they are born to do a specific group. Higher authorities know theillimination of humans emotions is helpful to stabilize what they think tobe a utopian society. Huxley portrays a perfect dystopia wherescientists breed people to order in a specific class (Baker 2). The employment of this paper is to shows that Aldous Huxley clearly introduces ariver of cases and incidences, which adds to the dystopia in his sciencefiction novel Brave New World. Aldous Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in England into a family ofnovelists and scientists. Leonard Huxley, Aldouss father, was an essayistand an editor prog ram who also was a respected, leading biologist in the time ofDarwinism. Both his brother and half-brother worked in the science field.Huxley received an extensive training in both medicine and in the arts andsciences. Huxley was described by V.S. Pritchett as that rare being-theprodigy, the educable young man, the peremial asker of unusual questions(Introduction to Aldous Huxley 1). Huxley wrote a series of novels and essays as his race progressed. Two of his best known novels are Brave New World and Island. These twonovels depict a world of dystopia. In Brave New World its author shiftshis mildly satiric observations of a limited group of people to a broaderand more ironic satire of a utopian society (Introduction to Aldous Huxley
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